Are Home Warranties Worth The Money?

Posted in Uncategorized by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 6th, 2020

Are Home Warranties Worth The MoneyThose who own homes might regularly receive mail advertising something called a home warranty. Many people end up tossing these leaflets away because they think this is just another form of home insurance, which many people get through their mortgage lender. In reality, a home warranty is not home insurance. Therefore, some people might be wondering whether or not a home warranty is worth the money.

There are a few important points that people should know.

What Is A Home Warranty?

A home warranty is similar to insurance is that people are going to pay a set premium per year to protect them against the risk of larger expenses down the road; however, people need to know what a home warranty is going to cover. This is where people need to read the policy. 

Typically, a home warranty is going to cover the cost to repair or replace certain appliances or home systems is they are damaged or break down. If someone needs to file a claim, this is usually done online or over the phone. Then, the homeowner is going to bring out a professional and pay a service fee (which is similar to a deductible) to get the repair completed. In some cases, the homeowner will have to pay the entire bill and get reimbursed later.

Is The Home Warranty Worth It?

In general, if someone has purchased a brand new home, this policy simply isn’t necessary. In many states, the builder is required to repair defects for a few years after the home is built. The common time-frames range from two years to ten years. Therefore, a home warranty might be duplicate coverage and, thus, unnecessary. Furthermore, brand new appliances are almost always protected by one or two-year warranties. Again, a home warranty might be duplicate coverage.

On the other hand, if someone has an older home or older appliances, the home warranty might be worth it. Older appliances are more likely to break down and, thus, require repairs. Therefore, people need to think about their own individual circumstances and weigh the risk of a broken appliance against the cost of the policy. A home warranty may be right for some people but not others.

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Home Warranties: Are They Worth It?

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on January 14th, 2020

Home Warranties Are They Worth ItOwning a home comes with major responsibilities and also offers major questions. One of the biggest questions that people will have to answer is whether or not they want to take out a home warranty. In order to decide whether a home warranty is worth it, it is important to first understand what a home warranty is.

What Is A Home Warranty?

A home warranty is not the same thing as home insurance. First of all, homeowners insurance is something that is required to purchase a home in the first place. Home insurance is in place to protect the homeowner, and the lender, from disaster.

In contrast, a home warranty is not required but might be offered by the lender or a third party. A home warranty is designed to cover the repairs that come with routine wear and tear on various home appliances. This includes items such as the HVAC system, plumbing, and electricity (but everyone needs to read the information on any home warranty policy to see exactly what is covered.) Therefore, what might not be covered by home insurance is covered by a home warranty and vice versa. 

The Benefits Of Having A Home Warranty

One of the biggest benefits that come with a home warranty policy is peace of mind. Every home appliance is going to break down at some point as a result of routine wear and tear. When this happens, it can create a large, unexpected expense.

When this expense arises, it is helpful to have a policy that covers the cost of repairs. People might be surprised to hear that homeowner’s insurance policies are not going to cover routine repairs on appliances resulting from wear and tear. This unexpected expense can cause a lot of stress for someone’s budget. The cost of this repair can be covered by a home warranty.

The Drawbacks Of A Home Warranty

On the other hand, there are also a few drawbacks to note. The biggest drawback of a home warranty is that people might end up paying for the cost of the repair simply via the cost of a home warranty. Many of the repairs that are not covered by homeowner’s insurance can be covered out of pocket. Therefore, having a home warranty policy might be redundant.

It is important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of a home warranty before deciding whether or not the policy is worth it. Work with your trusted real estate professional to determine the best options for your personal situation.

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