Big Home Repairs That Can Sink A Budget Quickly

Posted in Uncategorized by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 3rd, 2020

Big Home Repairs That Can Sink A Budget QuicklyFor most individuals and families, their home is the most expensive investment they will ever purchase. Therefore, it is important for everyone to take care of their home. Routine maintenance can prevent costly repairs from arising down the road.

It is important for homeowners to make sure they budget for home maintenance and repair costs. Even with a meticulous repair schedule, it is still possible that a major repair might be required. There are a few home repairs that are more expensive than others.

Damage To The Foundation Of The Home

One of the most expensive home repairs that might come up involves damage to the foundation. The foundation is the part of the home that supports the rest of the structure. Therefore, its strength is vital to the integrity of any building.

Depending on the exact nature of the project, repairing the foundation of a home may cost close to $100,00 if the building is large and the damage is severe. At a minimum, homeowners should expect to spend a few thousand dollars on a home foundation repair project.

Some of the most common reasons why a foundation might be damaged involve plumbing issues, clogged gutters, and flooding. Water can corrode the foundation and pool around the base, leading to damage. Therefore, the water system also needs to be addressed with any foundation repair.

A Roof Repair Can Be Costly

The roof is one of the most important barriers in the home. It separates the interior of the home from the dangers of the elements outside. Therefore, it is critical for the roof to remain intact. Roofs need to be inspected regularly.

If there is a problem with the roof, this may cost more than $10,000. Regularly inspecting the roof and making repairs and replacements as they come up can save a home’s budget.

Siding Repairs Are Expensive

Finally, water and wind can damage the siding of a home. Furthermore, insects and other pests can also lead to siding repairs. Repairing a single piece of siding isn’t costly; however, if the entire siding needs to be replaced, this may cost more than $15,000. The exact nature of the cost is going to depend on the materials chosen.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in listing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted real estate professional.

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Turn Your Yard Into An All-Seasons Living Space

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 28th, 2020

Turn Your Yard Into An All-Seasons Living SpaceThink of backyard space as “in-between” or transitional space that is a bit like being inside while being outside. Sunrooms, screened-in covered patios, outdoor kitchens, spas, fire pits and more, are all becoming very popular ways to make more use of the backyard. Making use of the outside area is not limited to only the times of the year that have nice, warm weather.

Sitting around a fire pit, with a blazing fire in it, is a perfect way to spend a chilly winter evening under the stars. This is a bit like camping out, without having to leave the comfort of your home.

Here are some tips about how to turn your backyard space into a comfortable and functional transitional area.


Install shade trees, cobbled paths that invite exploration, and water features that are mixed in with attractive landscaping to make your backyard more inviting. Add some inexpensive solar-powered lights to line the walkways for a nice nighttime look.

This can be a labor of love that you take your time doing without having to rush the end result. It is healthy for you to do a bit of gardening, to get some fresh air and light exercise.

Outdoor Cooking

There are many ways to enjoy outdoor cooking such as simply taking a hibachi grill out to cook on a patio. You can cook hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, shish kebab, and more. You can even grill vegetables, like delicious slices of eggplant or corn on the cob, for your vegetarian friends on a separate grill reserved for that use.

Pizza Oven

If you really want to impress your guests, then put in a wood-burning pizza oven. Pizza made this way tastes delicious. There are dozens of pizza recipes you can try from thin crust to deep dish.

You can also make loaves of bread and other types of oven-baked foods. When you get a wood-burning pizza oven hot enough to cook properly, you will want to cook plenty of things so be sure to invite over lots of friends and neighbors.

Gourmet Kitchen

Taking the outdoor cooking one step further, some people like to install a full gourmet kitchen and spend lots of time cooking outside. There are many stainless steel grills to choose from that go along well with matching stainless steel appliances, which are strong enough for exposure to the elements.

Temperature Control

When desiring to have some control over the temperature outside, it is best to think of creating usable areas. When it is cold outside, you can use patio heaters that burn propane to make warmer areas for sitting. Another popular idea is to put in a fire pit to sit around.

During warmer times, you will want to have shaded areas and patio covers with ceiling fans. In the hot summers, you might enjoy a misting system that sprays a fine mist of cool water vapor in the air.


Many neglect their backyards, which is a shame because they can be lovely places to hang out. Rather than investing in an expensive room addition, start thinking about how you can make your backyard more enjoyable as a transitional space between the interior living area and the outside.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in listing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted real estate professional.

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Home Improvements That May Improve Resale Value

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 6th, 2020

Home Improvements That May Improve Resale ValueDid you know that some home improvements lower the resale value of a home and decrease the number of potential buyers? If you are going to repaint the exterior of your home bright, traffic-cone orange and try to sell it for a high price, think again! Maybe, if the artist Pablo Picasso once lived there that might work, but probably not under any other circumstances.

Some things are counter-intuitive. A swimming pool is an example. Swimming pools are great and highly desirable for many people. However, others do not necessarily think so and only see them as adding unnecessary expenses for maintenance and upkeep.

There are general guidelines to follow, which give you a better chance to increase the resale value of a home by making certain improvements. If possible, work with your REALTOR® who understands the local real estate market conditions before making decisions about investing in renovations to increase a home’s resale value.

Be aware that the industry averages show a percentage of recoupment of the investment and no renovations make back what they cost, in terms of increased resale value. This means you should only consider renovations that you like for other reasons as well as the potential financial impact on the home’s value. The only way to profit from renovations is to do some work yourself.

Renovations — Partial Recoupment In Resale Value

Here are the top ten things to consider with their average installation cost, average increased resale amount, and the average recoupment percentage as ranked by Remodeling in the 2020 Cost vs. Value Report:

1. Manufactured Stone Veneer (applied to the front of the home)

Installation Cost $9,357 — Increased Resale Amount $8,943 — Recoupment 96%

2. Garage Door Replacement

Installation Cost $3,695 — Increased Resale Amount $3,491 — Recoupment 94%

3. Fiber Cement Siding (applied to the exterior of the home)

Installation Cost $17,008 — Increased Resale Amount $13,195 — Recoupment 78%

4. Vinyl Siding (applied to the exterior of the home)

Installation Cost $14,359 — Increased Resale Amount $10,731 — Recoupment 75%

5. Vinyl Windows (double-pane)

Installation Cost $17,461 — Increased Resale Amount $12,761 — Recoupment 72%

6. Wooden Deck

Installation Cost $14,360 — Increased Resale Amount $10,355 — Recoupment 72%

7. Wood Windows (double-pane)

Installation Cost $21,495 — Increased Resale Amount $14,804 — Recoupment 69%

8. Steel Entry Door

Installation Cost $1,881 — Increased Resale Amount $1,294 — Recoupment 69%

9. Composite Deck

Installation Cost $19,856 — Increased Resale Amount $13,257 — Recoupment 67%

10. Asphalt-Shingled Roof

Installation Cost $24,700 — Increased Resale Amount $16,287 — Recoupment 66%

The runner-ups, with their recoupment percentages, are remodeling the bathroom (62%), metal roofing (61%), a kitchen remodel (59%), a bedroom addition (59%), and a bathroom addition (55%).


Notice that the top ten items that make the most positive impact on the resale price are all exterior projects and most of them are visible from the front of the home. The wise adage of “curb appeal sells” seems to be true when it comes to renovations that generally improve resale value.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in listing your current property, be sure to consult with your trusted real estate professional.

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Common Problems Faced By New Homeowners

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 5th, 2020

Common Problems Faced By New HomeownersBuying a new home is a big step for individuals and families. This is a time for celebration as the new furniture gets moved in, everyone gets adjusted, and the honeymoon phase starts with the new home. On the other hand, buying a home also means that all of the responsibilities rest with the owners.

Here are a few common problems that new homeowners face.

Taking Care Of The Outside

Many homeowners are quick to realize that there is a tremendous amount of maintenance on the outside of the home. Now, the exterior is their responsibility and doesn’t fall on a landlord. Sure, it can be helpful to hire someone; however, this can be expensive.

Some of the common questions that homeowners have include how frequently they should water the lawn. There might also be questions regarding which type of fertilizer and when they should use this. Also, the issues caused by weeds can be substantial. When in doubt about these issues, simply reach out to a professional and ask for help. Someone is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Plumbing Issues Are Common

It is important to do a home inspection before buying a home. This will let the potential buyer know about any repairs they might be inheriting. Some of the common issues have to do with the plumbing system.

One of the most common issues has to do with clogs. Sometimes, the clog takes place in the sink when someone tries to force food down the drain. In other situations, toilets might get clogged if something other than toilet paper gets flushed down the toilet. While a basic plunger is a great place to start, it is also prudent to invest in some drain cleaner and a snake.

The Lights Go Out

Sometimes, people are shocked to see the power go out during a storm. In some cases, the power company may need to come out and handle the repairs. In other situations, it might be a tripped circuit breaker. When the power goes out, head to the circuit breaker and take a look at any fuses that might be turned off. Unplug some of the appliances and then turn the circuit breaker back on! This might do the trick, but if it goes out again, call an electrician.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in listing your current property, be sure to consult with your trusted real estate professional.

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3 Critical Considerations When You Choose Your Garage Doors

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on December 26th, 2019

3 Critical Considerations When You Choose Your Garage DoorsOwning property comes with a number of major responsibilities. This includes home maintenance and repairs. One of the common topics that people think about is the garage door. Sometimes, the garage door breaks and needs to be replaced. Other people might be adding a garage door for the first time. There are lots of options to choose from and this is an important decision.

There are a number of factors that people need to consider when trying to decide on a garage door.

The Material

First, people need to think about what their garage door is going to be made out of. The classic option is wood. It has a sleek, stylish look and can be stained to the owner’s preference. At the same time, steel has become a more popular option. This is because steel is stronger than wood. Other homeowners even elect to go with aluminum. Aluminum is lighter than steel and uses less energy. Aluminum can also be colored to look like wood. The material is a good place to start when looking for a garage door.

The Durability

Next, homeowners need to think about the durability of the various options. Some garage doors are going to be stronger than others. Garage door repairs can be expensive and this is a cost that homeowners should avoid if possible. Try to find a durable garage door that can stand up to the routine wear and tear. The stronger the material, the more durable it is going to be.

The Insulation

Finally, also consider the insulation that will be provided by the garage door. The garage is typically an unheated area. This means that any heat in the garage can easily escape through various openings. One of the largest openings is through the garage door. Try to find a door with some insulation. This will trap heat inside the garage and lower the home’s energy costs. An insulated garage door might be more expensive but can also save money on utility bills.

Choosing The Right Garage Door

There are a lot of options when it comes to garage doors. Each choice has its benefits and drawbacks. Homeowners need to take the time to assess the various options and figure out which one is right for them.

If you are in the market for a new home or interested in listing your current property, be sure to consult with your trusted real estate professional.

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How Much Money To Budget For Home Maintenance

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 29th, 2019

How Much Money To Budget For Home Maintenance1Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of these involves home maintenance. Sometimes, people are surprised by the size and frequency of home maintenance costs.

In order to reduce the stress that comes with home maintenance, it is important to plan ahead of time. This means budgeting for the inevitable costs that come with home maintenance. There are a few systems that people can use to estimate their home maintenance costs.

The Percentage System

One of the most common systems that people use is the percentage system. In general, the amount of money that people spend on maintenance is directly related to the size of their home. The larger the home, the more money someone is going to spend on maintenance.

Most people will spend between 1 percent and 4 percent of their home’s value every year in maintenance costs. Older homes are going to have more maintenance costs than younger homes. For example, if a home is worth $300,000, someone is going to be spending between $3,000 and $12,000 per year on upkeep.

The Square Footage System

The range above might be too large for someone to budget accurately. Therefore, a lot of people also use the square footage system. Again, the larger the home, the more someone will spend on upkeep.

In general, someone should allocate $1 dollar per year per square foot of home. For example, if someone’s home is 2,500 square feet, they should allocate about $2,500 per year in home maintenance. 

Some of the downsides of this method are that it does not take into account the location or age of the home. Keep these factors in mind as well.

Home Maintenance Is Different Than Home Repairs

Home maintenance costs are very different than major repairs. The idea of maintenance is to prevent repairs from arising. If someone has to replace their HVAC unit or take out faulty wiring, this does not count as home maintenance costs.

With this in mind, it is important for everyone to budget accurately for home maintenance and to make sure these tasks are completed on-time. Proper home maintenance can save money on homeownership by preventing major repair bills from coming up down the road. 

And any time you have home maintenance questions, remember to ask your real estate professional. They have a lot of experience dealing with every type of home repair and a list of local referral maintenance providers.

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The Most Commonly Searched Household How-To Remedies

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 22nd, 2019

The Most Commonly Searched Household How-To RemediesOwning a home comes with a lot of responsibility. Many of the responsibilities that people think about involve home maintenance. There are few things that frustrate a homeowner more than having repair and maintenance bills come up. At the same time, it is important to address these properly.

For this reason, it is important for everyone to understand the most common how-tos people search for. This will give someone a glimpse into some of the responsibilities he or she might face when owning a home. Those who can handle these how-tos can save money on maintenance costs and repair bills.

How To Unclog A Drain

One of the most commonly searched how-tos is how to unclog a drain. Some of the drains that might get clogged include kitchen drains, sink drains, and bathtub drains. When these drains are clogged, water can back up and make the equipment unusable.

In order to unclog a drain, it is important to consider the various options available. Some people use a “snake” to unclog a drain. Other people use a liquid, such as Drano. 

How To Stop A Leaky Faucet

Another how-to that people frequently have to handle is a leaky faucet. A dripping faucet can lead to significant increases in someone’s water bills. Furthermore, the dripping noise can also keep people up at night.

Sometimes, the handles on the faucet simply need to be tightened to stop the leaky faucet. In other cases, there might be a loose washer underneath the sink somewhere. These are some of the common causes of a leaky faucet.

How To Patch And Repair Drywall

Another common house issue that people sometimes need to handle involves drywall. Patching drywall can be a complicated process depending on the location and size of the drywall.

Everyone who is thinking about patching drywall should understand the steps involved. This includes how to make the drywall smooth in addition to the various adhesives and tools involved.

Understanding Household How-Tos

These are a few of the various how-tos that people might have to face during homeownership. Homeowners that can handle these how-tos will be able to save money on maintenance and repair bills down the road, provided they are handled properly.

If you are in the market for a new home or if you are interested in listing your current property, be sure to contact your trusted real estate professional.

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5 Essential Tips For Painting A House

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 20th, 2019

5 Essential Tips for Painting a HouseWhen someone makes the decision to purchase a home, they often want to add their own personal touch, style, and flair to the home. One of the ways to do this is to paint the home. Of course, painting a home is a significant investment in terms of both time and money. It is important for everyone to keep a few tips in mind to make sure this process goes smoothly.

Pressure Wash The Walls Ahead Of Time

The first step is to make sure the walls are pressure washed first. Anything that is present on the walls when the paint goes down will be trapped there permanently. Remove any dust and debris by taking the time to pressure wash the walls first.

Prime The Painting Areas

The paint needs to adhere to the walls properly in order to achieve the desired effect. In order to make this happen, prime the painting areas first. This coat of primer is essential for making sure the painting job is completed properly.

Protect The Areas That Aren’t Painted

Homeowners also need to take the proper precautions to make sure the paint stays in the desired area. This means using painter’s tape or similar precautions to protect the areas of the home that aren’t going to be painted. Make sure the paint is contained in the desired areas. 

Start With The First Paint Layer

Those who are painting their home need to make sure they paint with a single layer at a time. Even though it can be a hassle to move the painting equipment from spot to spot, give the paint time to rest before judging the work. Finish the first layer before moving on to the next.

Call A Professional Home Painting Contractor For Help

Finally, it can be hard to paint a home. Often, the job does not proceed exactly as planned. Therefore, homeowners should not hesitate to call a contractor for help. Even though homeowners might feel like this is spending money unnecessarily, the costs that come from a painting job performed incompletely or incorrectly will be far more significant.

A contractor has the training and experience necessary to get home painting jobs done correctly the first time.  As always, your local real estate professional can help you find the most reliable painting contractor available in your area.

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4 Critical Tips To Consider When Hiring A Home Contractor

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 6th, 2019

4 Critical Tips To Consider When Hiring A Home ContractorThere are many reasons why you might be interested in hiring a home contractor. These professionals are an important part of helping someone attain their dream home. While everyone cares about the price of the contractor, this is not the only factor that you should consider.

After all, the home is where people spend a lot of their time. By thinking about price alone, you might be sacrificing quality. It is important for you to take the proper steps when it comes to hiring a home contractor. There are a few factors that you should keep in mind.

Start The Process With A Detailed Plan

This is the step that absolutely must be completed before you even approach a contractor. If you need help with this, think about reaching out to a designer or an architect who can help you. Walk your contractor through your plan step by step. This will help the contractor give you a more accurate price estimate and will allow the contractor to ask important questions. 

Give The Project Specifications Upfront

There are certain finishes or fixtures that you might want in your home. Make sure to provide your contractor with this list ahead of time. These specifications can drastically influence the price estimate. Save your time, as well as the contractors, by providing the specifications as early as possible. That way, the contractor can figure out how much each of these specifications is going to cost.

Ask About Insurance

It is also important for you to make sure your contractor has insurance. Sometimes, accidents happen. This is a reality of the industry. The contractor probably has a large crew that he or she needs to work with to help your project come together. This is not easy. When mishaps happen, your contractor needs to be set up to deal with these issues professionally.

Ask For Client References

Lastly, it is important for you to take a look at some of your home contractor’s work. Take a look at some of the prior projects and make sure you are satisfied with what you see. This will help you get a solid idea of what your project might look like when all is said and done. 

As always, your trusted local real estate professional is an excellent resource for referrals to other quality service providers around the home.  Give them a call today and ask for a referral!

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How To Navigate The Changing Remodeling Market

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 30th, 2019

How To Navigate The Changing Remodeling MarketRemodeling is a common project that homeowners take on. If you are looking to remodel your home, it is important to keep in mind that this involves more than just improving your living area. If you remodel your home, you might also be expecting to generate a return on your investment. 

In prior years, a home remodel meant an increase in the value of your home. Furthermore, some people actually make money by buying homes, fixing them up, and selling them. This is commonly called “flipping.” Unfortunately, like other sectors of the economy, this market ebbs and flows. Recently, it looks like the drive to remodel homes has taken a downturn.

Why Homeowners Steer Away From Remodeling

There are financial and real estate professionals who analyze this market just as other professionals look at other areas of the economy. According to the professionals, there are a number of reasons why people might be steering away from a home remodel.

First, there has actually been a decline in home sales. This goes along with a decline in homebuilding activity. 

These factors cause homeowners to hesitate when they remodel their homes. If you are looking to sell your home, this is a prime time to remodel. You might think this remodel is necessary for your home to succeed on the market. If you aren’t looking to sell your home, there is less reason to remodel. When home sales drop, the remodeling market drops as well.

Home Price Appreciation Plays A Role

Another important factor involved in the home remodeling market is the pace of home appreciation. In prior years, the growth of home prices was outpacing the rate of income appreciation. In recent years, this trend has flipped.

When home prices aren’t rising faster than wages, there is less pressure to remodel. Instead of investing this money in a remodel, homeowners are looking to invest this money in other areas that might generate a bigger return. This has led to a reduction in the remodeling market.

Considering A Home Remodel

If you are looking to remodel your home, think about these factors ahead of time. You should expect a return on your remodeling investment. Take a look at the market before the remodel begins.

As always, your trusted real estate professional can offer advice on what improvements might help the value of your home with their experience in your marketplace.

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