Yes, It’s True! Why Replacing Your Front Door Can Help to Sell Your Home Faster

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 24th, 2017

Yes, It's True! Why Replacing Your Front Door Can Help to Sell Your Home FasterThere are plenty of things that you’ll need to shape up when you embark on selling your home, whether it’s painting the house or the minor fix-ups, but it’s easy to forget about some items that will be readily apparent to homebuyers. If you’re preparing to put your home on the market and are wondering what you shouldn’t miss, here are a few reasons why replacing your front door should be at the top of the list.

It’s The First Thing Buyers Will Notice

While the yard and the exterior of your home may be the most noticeable things to a potential homebuyer when they visit your home, the door will be one of the most imposing things they come across. Because this will be the access point for your home, the quality and stability of your door will create the first impression, good or bad. If you happen to have a flimsy or poorly designed door that is aging, it may be time to invest in something more substantial that will create a positive impression.

A Sense Of Safety

An aesthetically appealing door may be pretty important when it comes to making an instant impression, but a solid door will be key in providing potential buyers with an idea of safety and stability. One of the most important things for homebuyers when it comes to purchasing a home is the sense of security it provides, and a sturdy door will go a long way towards making your community and the potential new dwelling feel like a welcome abode.

Increases Your Home’s Value

There are plenty of small renovations you can take on that will bump up the value of your home, but replacing an unsound door is important because most homeowners won’t to make this upgrade right away. While it may seem like buying a door will be a significant splurge, there are actually many great options for a relatively economical price. It’s just important to find something that won’t break the bank and will fit in with your renovation budget.

When it comes times to sell your home, there are many renovations that can instantly bump up its value. However, many people forget that the door provides one of the first impressions and a sense of security and comfort. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.

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Today’s Home Seller Needs a Real Estate Agent More Than Ever — and Here’s Why

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 18th, 2017

Today's Home Seller Needs a Real Estate Agent More Than Ever -- and Here's WhyMany home sellers attempt to get into the real estate market on their own without consulting the counsel of an experienced real estate agent. However, while having an agent will certainly cost you a percentage of your home sale, it can get you a lot more in the end for a lot less headache. If you’re currently considering going agentless, here are some reasons you may want to get an expert involved.

They Have Neighborhood Knowledge

It’s easy enough to look through the MLS listings and get and good sense of what a home in your neighborhood is worth, but a good real estate agent will already know your area and be able to make a better assessment based on this. Not only will they be able to determine what you can sell your home for in the real estate market you’re heading into, they’ll be able to provide the appropriate price so it won’t sit on the market too long.

Home-Marketing Savvy

With social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, it’s never been easier to sell your home online. However, a real estate agent will be able to determine the best social media strategy for you and decide how best to invest their energy in order to reach the kind of homebuyers you’re looking for. Beyond making a website and a home video, they’ll also be able to leverage their presence online to attract other interested parties who might not have found your home otherwise.

Doing The Tough Negotiating

One of the toughest parts of any real estate transaction is the negotiating, and it goes without saying that having an experienced agent along to seal the deal can be more than a little comforting. While it’s all well and good if the home inspection was positive and you got your asking price, the right agent can be instrumental in providing the right advice and price in case there are counter-offers. It’s just important to do the research so you can find the right agent for you.

Many homeowners like the idea of navigating the real estate market on their own, but an experienced agent can make the process of selling your home a lot easier and more profitable at the end of the day. If you’re currently getting prepared to put your home on the market, contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

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3 Bedroom Staging Tips That Will Get Potential Buyers Excited About Your Home

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 16th, 2017

3 Bedroom Staging Tips That Will Get Potential Buyers Excited About Your HomeArranging an open house is one of the most important parts of selling your home, but there can be a lot of tricks involved in staging it so you’ll get the right offers. While the kitchen and the living room may be a bit more straightforward, here are some tips for staging your bedroom that will be sure to get buyers interested in making an offer on your home.

Brighten The Bedding

It’s one thing to have makeshift bedding when you only have your family to impress, but when it comes to having an open house, you’ll need to be prepared to make a statement. Instead of a mish-mash of colors and styles, ensure that you have one style and one look you’re going for, and ensure that it’s not cluttered with too many pillows and colors. You’ll also want to make sure the colors you choose match the rest of the décor in your room so the viewer isn’t distracted by the sight.

Minimize The Clutter

Few things will swallow the space in your bedroom like a lot of clutter, so it’s important to clear out any extras from your room before you have any viewers. While it’s a given that you’ll want to get rid of extra papers and anything additional that’s obstructing the eye, it’s also important to clear out any oversized pieces of furniture. It’s possible that you have a chaise lounge you’re in love with, but if it swallows the room, you may want to re-consider it when staging time comes.

Don’t Forget About The Walls

There are few things that will illuminate a room like a good piece of art, so ensure that your favorite space isn’t entirely empty when it comes the time to stage your home. While you won’t want to have something that’s too dramatic or colorful, ensure that it’s something that matches the color and style of your room and will help to illuminate the elements that make it ideal. It’s also important to choose the right size of print so that it doesn’t completely overwhelm your space.

There are a lot of small details that go into staging a home properly, but you can be sure to show your bedroom effectively by keeping it clutter free and making it match. If you’re currently getting prepared to put your home up for sale, contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

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Three Ugly, Dated Design Features That You Need to Get Rid of Before You Sell Your Home

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 4th, 2017

Three Ugly, Dated Design Features That You Need to Get Rid of Before You Sell Your HomeThere are a lot of inexpensive renovations that can easily improve the value of your home, but you might not be aware of dated features that are working against you and aging its look. If you’re ready to put your home on the market and are wondering what types of design will downgrade your home’s appeal, here are a few things you may want to consider upgrading or discarding before planning your first open house.

Bright Accent Walls

While brightly colored paint can certainly enhance a room if it’s done in the right home and the right space, it can also age the room it’s in. If you’ve got a neon tone that’s overstayed its welcome, you may want to pull out the paint and go back to a neutral-toned wall. This will ensure that visitors to your home are not overwhelmed by the look and won’t have to consider renovating right away if they don’t like the color.

Lightly-Shaded Wood CabinetsIt’s one thing if you’re in a log cabin, but most potential homebuyers don’t want to see old kitchen cabinets that are lightly toned like maple and oak. This color palette can instantly age a kitchen and they’re also not that easy an upgrade. A kitchen is one of the most important selling features of your home, so instead of leaving this to chance, consider pulling out the paint for an instantly improved cabinet finish.

Clunky Furniture Pieces

The furniture that fills your home may be one of the easiest fixes there is, but it also has a significant impact on how homebuyers will view the potential of your home. A large L-shaped couch or a clunky chair can not only swallow up a room, they can create an unpleasant visual for the buyer. In these modern times, it’s best to stick with a more minimal look so that homebuyers can imagine themselves in your house. If you can’t cover up your item, you may want to consider moving it out when it comes time for home viewings.

There are many design features and items in your home that you may love, but when it comes to oversized furniture and bright accent walls, they may not appeal to the modern buyer. If you’re currently cleaning up your home and are planning to put it on the market soon, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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5 Tips for Crafting a Counter-offer That Doesn’t Scare Away a Potential Home Buyer

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 28th, 2017

5 Tips for Crafting a Counter-offer That Doesn't Scare Away a Potential Home BuyerIf you’ve recently put your home up for sale, one of the most exciting parts of the selling process is getting an offer. However, all is not said and done once you’ve received an offer, as you’ll probably want to negotiate a better price. If you’re wondering how you can counter without losing a potential buyer, here are some tips when the time comes to negotiate.

Lower Your Price (A Little)

As a seller, it’s important to believe in the price you’ve put your home on the market for, but lowering your asking price after getting an offer will tell the potential buyer that you’re flexible. While you may not want to compromise too much, you’ll have to move a bit to keep them interested.

Pay For Closing Costs

There are so many costs involved in home ownership that many people are tired of all the associated fees of buying a home by the time it comes to closing. Instead of budging on your price, offering to pay for the closing costs can serve as a significant financial benefit for many buyers.

Hold Off On Offers

It can be a risky strategy, but choosing a specific day to consider offers can create a healthy competition for your home, and may stimulate interest without losing potential buyers. While you’ll want to be careful how you navigate this, it can work out well when it comes to bumping up the offers.

Provide An Expiration Date

Most counter-offers come with a timeframe that will allow those interested to accept the deal; however, consider adjusting this period to a timeframe that will work better for you. While you shouldn’t wait too long, a period of more than one day will tell the potential buyer that you want your home to be the right choice for them.

Be Reliable And Responsive

For an interested homebuyer, there’s nothing worse than having a home-seller that is not responsive to their offer. Instead of sitting on an offer too long, ensure you’re letting interested parties know that you’re considering their offer and will get back to them as soon as you’ve made a decision.

The art of negotiating can be complicated when it comes to selling your home, but by being responsive and showing flexibility, you may be able to get the offer you’re looking for. If you’re currently getting prepared to buy a new home, contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

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Four Ways a Real Estate Agent Can Help Your Home Sell for More Than Your Asking Price

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 14th, 2017

Four Ways a Real Estate Agent Can Help Ensure Your Home Sells for More Than Your Asking PriceMost home sellers are thrilled to get the asking price they’re looking for when putting their home up for sale, but many have not thought about the possibility of getting even more! If you’re wondering what tricks of the trade your agent can use when it comes to getting a higher offer, you may want to have them test out some of the following tips.

Price It A Little Lower

It’s generally said that you should price your home at market value so it will not linger on the market, but by having your real estate agent price it slightly lower you may be able to get a lot more people through the door. Instead of lowering the price of your home, this can actually work to stimulate a bidding war for those who see the value in your home and are willing to pay more.

Hold Off For The Right Offer

The benefit of using a real estate agent is that they know the market and will be able to determine what amount the offer on your home should be, so make sure you consult with them before saying yes. It’s easy to be tempted by the first good offer that’s close to your asking price, but it’s often worth it to hold out for the amount you really want.

Sell In The Springtime

It’s possible to get a good price for your home at any time of the year, but Spring is the time that homebuyers like to hit the market and this means that you may have a lot more interested parties to choose from. Instead of waiting for buyers to come to you, put your home on the market when there will be a lot of people ready to invest.

Make It Unique

Whether you’ve recently made some renovations or your home has a number of unique features, ensure that these details are being properly promoted in your marketing material and at your open house. Not only can these features add a lot of value to your home, they can make potential homebuyers remember it so they’ll be willing to negotiate.

Most home sellers put their home on the market with the hope of getting a certain amount, but by highlighting unique features and holding out for a better offer you can get more than you asked for. If you’re currently on the market for a home, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.

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Selling Your Home? Understanding Why a Buyer Might Withdraw — and How to Win Them Back

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 11th, 2017

Selling Your Home? Understanding Why a Buyer Might Withdraw -- and How to Win Them BackIt may seem like the hard part is over once you’ve received a few offers on your home and are preparing for the negotiation process. Unfortunately, anything can happen until the papers and signed and this means that potential homebuyers can back out. If you’re dealing with a wavering bidder and are wondering how you can win them back, here are some reasons they might withdraw and how you may be able to win them over.

The Price Is Too High

It’s possible that when it comes to negotiating, many interested parties will offer to put down a little more than they otherwise would have; however, when it comes to sealing the deal, they may realize the price is a little higher than what they wanted to spend. Instead of letting the negotiations fall through, consider lowering your price slightly to give the potential homebuyer a hook. You don’t have to lower your price by a significant margin, but it will let them know that you’re still interested in selling to them.

An Unresponsive Negotiation

The power may be in your hands when someone is interested in your home, but it’s still very important to stay responsive so that you can ensure a potential homebuyer won’t lose interest. If you may have rubbed someone the wrong way with a slow response time, ensure that you reach out and keep them aware of the process and your timeline. It may seem like a small gesture, but it means a lot to someone who is interested in your home and may be working under a time crunch.

Still Not Convinced?

There are a variety of reasons that a homebuyer may withdraw from negotiations, whether it’s the neighborhood or too much home or they’ve found a better deal. But, if you’re really interested in the offer you’ve received, you may want to consider offering a little extra in order to win them back. Whether you decide to pay their closing costs or provide a closer move-in date, there are plenty of little things you can do that will make them re-consider their options.

There are many reasons that a buyer might withdraw their offer on your home, but by being communicative and offering some extras you may be able to re-negotiate a deal. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

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Selling an Apartment or Condo? How to Use Snapchat to Target First-time Buyers

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 30th, 2017

Selling an Apartment or Condo? How to Use Snapchat to Target First-time BuyersThere are plenty of ways to market your home online, but social media has become one of the best ways to catch the attention of interested homebuyers in the past few years. If you’re currently determining a marketing strategy for your home and are wondering about social media, here are a few ways you can use Snapchat and see your chances for selling increase in an instant.

Focus On The Details

Since Snapchat is all about striking, quick pictures that appear and disappear before your eyes, it’s a great way to highlight the best features of your home so you can pique the interest of a homebuyer. Whether you decide to take a snap of your unique bathroom tile, the expanse of your backyard or your stainless-steel appliances, the instant visual can give interested parties the impetus they need to show up at your open house or stop by for a more in-depth look.

Create Your Own Geofilter

Many users of Snapchat like to use geofilters, which are an illustration or overlay that appears on top of the picture to give the viewer a sense of where they are. In the case that you’re trying to sell your home, you can enlist the help of your agent to create your own geofilter with your home’s address or neighborhood. A geofilter will not only add a touch of uniqueness to your picture, it will allow potential homebuyers to determine if your neighborhood and home are what they’re looking for.

Deal With An Experienced Agent

It’s entirely possible that you already have your own Snapchat account and many followers, but if you don’t, it’s best to enlist the services of a seasoned real estate agent who will be able to use their network to attract interested buyers. The only people who will be able to see your snaps in the event that you’re selling your home will be users linked to your account, so having a real estate agent who can leverage their connections makes it much easier to sell your home to the world.

Social media is a great marketing tool when it comes to putting your home up for sale and attracting buyers, but it’s important to have a following and engage the viewer with the right details. If you’re getting prepared to put your home on the market, contact your trusted real estate professionals for more information.

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Spring Is Real Estate’s ‘Rush Hour’ — Here’s How to Tell If You’re Prepared

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 22nd, 2017

Spring Is Real Estate's 'Rush Hour' -- Here's How to Tell If You're PreparedThe most popular time of year to buy a home is in the spring, and this means that if you’re preparing yourself for getting into the real estate market, you may be experiencing a time crunch. If you’re wondering if you’ll be ready to put your home up for sale in time to take advantage of the season, here are few things you’ll want to think about.

Have You Cleaned Up And De-cluttered?

Spring is not only an optimal time to put your home up for sale, it’s also an ideal time for spring-cleaning! Instead of leaving all of the de-cluttering and clearing away to the time when you know you’ll be moving, get prepared by going through your stuff and discarding anything that you don’t want to move. This will not only make the packing up procedure more streamlined, it will also make the basic cleaning duties like vacuuming a dusting a little easier to carry out.

Are You Prepared To Move?

A home can sit on the market for a few weeks or months, and it can also sell on the first day, so you’ll want to have a game plan for moving beforehand. If you don’t yet have a place to stay, determine a plan for yourself and your family so that you can start looking for a home to invest in or at least rental property. You don’t want to lose out on a good offer by not being prepared, so make sure you know where you’re going before getting into the market.

Do You Know The Market Conditions?

Spring is certainly the most popular time to buy, but if your home isn’t priced right for the conditions of the market, it may linger longer than you’d expect. If you’re selling on your own, you may want to take a look at the MLS listings to determine what similar homes in similar areas are selling for. It can also be a great idea to utilize the services of a local real estate agent who will have background knowledge of the market and be able to do the tough negotiating for you.

With spring being the best time to sell, it’s important to de-clutter your house ahead of time and be aware of the market conditions you’ll be dealing with. If you’re about to put your home up for sale, contact your trusted real estate professionals for more information.

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Hosting an Open House? Try These 3 Mood-boosting Aromatherapy Scents

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 21st, 2017

Hosting an Open House? Try These 3 Mood-boosting Aromatherapy ScentsFrom making sure the exterior looks impeccable to touching up the paint, there are a lot of things that go into the kind of open house that will draw in potential buyers. You may not know, though, that the senses can have a significant impact on how people will perceive your home, and scent can be highly powerful. Instead of leaving your home sale up to a clutter free space and an elegant exterior, try out the following aromatherapy scents to make an even better impression.

The Calming Influence Of Lemon

There’s a reason that lemon is one of the most common scents when it comes to cleaning products, and it’s no different when it comes to harnessing the power of aromatherapy. Instead of cleaning the tabletops with a lemon-scented cleaner, however, test out a lemon scent as a way to naturally calm the system. Not only does it assist in boosting circulation, it will also serve as a calming influence if your buyers happen to be anxious or having an off day.

Greater Retention With Rosemary

Most people are familiar with the herb of rosemary when it comes to cooking or baking, but its lively scent can also have a positive impact when it comes to your open house. Because rosemary can improve memory retention and wake up the body, it can be perfect for helping viewers remember a lot of the little details of your home. It can also help to improve fatigue and aches, which can help home buyers feel at ease in your space.

A Peppermint Energy Boost

The scent of peppermint may be more common around the holiday season, but a small dose of it can actually have a positive impact on a person’s overall well-being. Since peppermint is an instantly invigorating scent, it can work to boost energy and help with a person’s ability to reason. For someone who’s an interested buyer, it may very well help them see the benefits of your home and come to a conclusion more quickly.

There are many ways to make your home appeal to home buyers, but adding an aromatherapy scent can go a long way in engaging the senses and truly enriching a viewer’s experience of your home. If you’re currently looking for staging tips and are getting prepared to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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