First-Time Home Sellers: Don’t Miss These 4 Tips That Will Keep Your Sale Moving Smoothly

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on August 15th, 2017

First-Time Home Sellers: Don't Miss These 4 Tips That Will Keep Your Sale Moving SmoothlyAre you selling your home? If it’s your first time going through a home sale, you’ve probably got a lot of questions about the process. In today’s post, we’ll share four tips that can help to keep your home sale moving along smoothly. Let’s get started!

Tip #1: Enlist The Help Of A Professional

First, you’ll want to ensure that you enlist the help of an experienced real estate agent. Selling a home is a significant financial transaction and the process can be especially daunting the first time. A professional agent with sales experience will be a major asset in having a stress-free sale. They’ll know all of the legal and other requirements to selling so you won’t be buried in paperwork. Plus, they’ll have insight into other local sales which can help with listing your home at a competitive price.

Tip #2: Focus On Your ‘Curb Appeal’

As the saying goes: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. With that in mind, you’ll want to ensure that you focus on how your home looks when a potential buyer shows up. If you feel the home could use it, a fresh coat of paint is an inexpensive upgrade that can give your home a new look and feel. Don’t forget your lawn and other landscaping, which should look well-maintained. The last thing a buyer wants to see is a nasty jungle of uncut grass or dying flowers!

Tip #3: Don’t Turn Down A Solid Offer

While you likely shouldn’t jump on the very first offer you get for your home, you also won’t want to pass up on a fair one either. It can be tough attracting a buyer, especially for larger, more expensive or luxurious houses. If your agent advises you to accept a competitive offer, it’s advice that’s well worth considering.

Tip #4: Have Your Share Of The Paperwork Ready

Last but not least, it’s worth having your share of the paperwork ready to go. There’s a lot of documentation required to complete a home sale, and being unprepared is a guaranteed way to make the closing process take longer. Spend the time gathering what you need before you accept an offer and you’ll enjoy a faster sale.

There you have it – four tips that will help to keep your home sale moving along smoothly! When you’re ready to discuss selling your home, contact your trusted real estate professional. We’re happy to share our guidance and experience to help you with your sale.

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The Five Most Common Overlooked Expenses When Selling a House

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on August 2nd, 2017

The Five Most Common Overlooked Expenses When Selling a HouseMost homeowners are so enthusiastic about putting their home on the market and getting the price they’re hoping for that the expenses involved in selling a home are forgotten. However, it’s often said that one has to spend money to make money, and selling a home is no exception! If you’re wondering what kinds of overlooked expenses will cut into your home sale, here are some costs to consider.

Minor Renovations

There are always a few things to fix-up when it comes time to sell your home, but by establishing what will best increase your home’s value, you can make it a good investment. Instead of going it blind, create a renovation budget so any cost you incur will pay for itself.

Staging Your Home

It’s possible you may be able to get away with minimal costs when it comes to home staging, but adding a few small details can improve the overall impression of your home. Instead of spending an abundance on dressing up your home, put your time into cleaning and de-cluttering for ample effect.

Closing Costs

It goes without saying that closing costs can add up to a lot of money at the end of the day, but many people forget they’re part of the transaction. Closing costs can include anything from transfer tax to title insurance to escrow fees so it may be worth talking to your agent to see if they can give you a deal.

Real Estate Commission

It’s easy to forget, but using a real estate agent to sell your home will require you to pay a portion of your home’s sale to them. While you may be able to negotiate this percentage with your agent, it’s worth realizing that an agent will help you garner a higher price and will do a lot of the leg work for you.

The Moving Van

It might be too soon to think about, but if you have a lot of stuff and don’t want to take on the task yourself, you’ll need to hire a moving company to help you relocate. Instead of leaving this to the last minute, contact a few popular movers to get pricing, and don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your move. If you’re desperate, you’re likely to pay more.

Selling a home can be a financial boon, but there are many expenses that can come along with it. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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Selling Your Home This Summer? Here’s Why You’ll Want to Recruit the Neighbors to Help

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on July 14th, 2017

Selling Your Home This Summer? Here's Why You'll Want to Recruit the Neighbors to HelpWith the power of social media, it’s easier than ever to use Twitter and Facebook and your own home website to sell your home online. However, there are a lot of different buyers on the market and that means it’s important to keep all your options open when it comes to marketing your home. If you’re wondering how you can harness the power of your neighbors to get the word out, here are some tips you may want to consider.

It’s Extra Marketing

If you have a good relationship with the people in your area, it’s possible that they’ll be happy to get the word out for you and assist you in the sale of your home. Whether they happen to have friends who might be interested in a property in the area or are willing to otherwise point out your place, a positive relationship can lead to opportunities that may come from the most unexpected places!

Selling The Home’s Reliability

In all likelihood, your neighbors will be well aware of situations adversely impacting the community or any past situations that have affected your home, whether there’s been a break in or a roofing issue. It’s often the case that potential buyers will consult with your neighbors to hear more about your home’s history. Since you won’t want an interested party to hear any bad news from your neighbor, it’s important to be upfront and discuss any adjustments or renovations you’ve made with your neighbors so you can be on the same page if an issue comes up.

Keeping Them In The Loop

In the sanctity of your own home, it can be easy to forget about the neighbors just next door. But don’t forget that the stream of people coming to look at your home can have an impact on those who live around you. Instead of neglecting to prepare your neighbors for additional visitors, go door-to-door and bring some baked goods or other treats to inform them of upcoming open houses. Not only will they appreciate the gesture, they might be happy to push some interested parties in your direction.

There are many ways to market a home sale, but it’s important not to forget about how your neighbors can assist you in getting your home off the market and sold. If you’re currently preparing to sell your home, contact your local real estate professional for more tips and advice.

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Understanding Why the Highest Offer Isn’t Always the Best One When Selling Your Home

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 30th, 2017

Understanding Why the Highest Offer Isn't Always the Best One When Selling Your HomeWhen it comes to the real estate market, nothing is better than putting your home up for sale and finding a potential homebuyer who offers you the price you’re looking for. However, while the right offer is ideal, there are a lot of things that may come along with a high offer that may be less than perfect. If you’re wondering what kinds of things can hamper a good offer, you may want to watch out for the following.

What’s The Timeline?

If you’re almost packed and you’re prepared to go, there won’t necessarily be any inconvenience in dealing with a 30-day closing period. However, if you’re not quite ready to move, having to close quickly can add a lot of pressure to a stressful situation. While it may be do-able to make the arrangements to move in a short amount of time, if it’s not the way you want to leave your old house and move on, you may want to go with a more flexible offer.

The Details On Cash

The right price is indeed a good offer, but when it comes to homebuyers who can pay with cash, there’s a lot less to worry about on the back end. As a result, cash can easily trump many other offers for the convenience of not having to deal with lenders or many other factors involved in closing the purchase. While it might not seem like most people have the available cash on hand, cash purchases on real estate are becoming more common, and with less complication, they can be more enticing.

Are There Contingencies?

If you’re experiencing a bidding war with your home, it’s important to look at all the details of the offers and ascertain which one can best be relied upon. That’s why it’s important to look at any contingencies on the home sale that may have to do with the financing, appraisal or inspection. An offer may be more than a little striking at the start, but if there are a lot of strings attached, there may be a bidder with a lower offer who’s less likely to back out.

It’s easy to get snared by the highest offer when selling your home, but it’s important to be aware of your timeline and any contingencies before accepting an offer. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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What Costs Can You Expect When Selling Your Home? Let’s Take a Look

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 23rd, 2017

What Costs Can You Expect When Selling Your Home? Let's Take a LookFor many people, putting their home up for sale is an exciting time to determine what kind of financial boon they’ll reap. With real estate on the rise, there are plenty of opportunities to see financial gains. Unfortunately, even if you’re selling your home, there are still going to be costs involved before ownership is transferred. If you want to be prepared for what to expect, here are some costs to watch out for.

Real Estate Agent Fees

As with buying a home, there will be costs involved in selling your home with an agent who will take a percentage out of the total sale of your home. Fortunately, while this will cost money, utilizing a real estate agent will probably garner you more money than you would have been able to get by putting your home on the market yourself. If you do want a better deal, it may be worth talking to your agent and seeing if they’re willing to negotiate on their percentage.

Agreed-Upon Closing Costs

It’s not uncommon nowadays for homebuyers to request their closing costs be paid by the seller in order to secure a deal, but it’s worth understanding what these fees may consist of. While there may be fees for the home appraisal, property transfer, and title insurance, there may also be maintenance costs you’ll have to take on following the home inspection. As a result, it can be important to do any home touch-ups before you’ve set a date for the open house as these can lower the offers on your home.

Moving Costs

Even if you have a big truck and a lot of heavy lifters in your family, there’s a good chance that you’re still going to require a moving company to take care of many of your items. You may be able to minimize these costs by moving in pieces and leaving the heavier items for the movers, but if your home sale is closing quickly, this work might best be left to the professionals. It will be worth getting quotes from a handful of trusted local movers to see who comes recommended at a reasonable price.

It’s easy to get caught up in the concept of selling your home, but even along with selling come many costs you’ll want to be aware of. If you’re preparing to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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Family Matters: The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home to a Family Member

Posted in Around The Home,Home Buyer Tips,Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 22nd, 2017

Family Matters: The Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home to a Family MemberIt can be a stressful experience to put your home on the market and wait for offers in the hope that you’ve priced it right. However, for those who are considering selling to family members, the sale of a home can be fraught with just as much stress before and after sealing the deal. If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to sell to a family member, here are some things to consider beforehand.

Providing A Discount

Whether you’re selling to a sibling or a child, you may be considering offering the home at a discount to help them out. Fortunately, since the discounted value will be different than the market value of the price, this may mean a taxable gain when it comes time for them to sell the property after a few years of residing in it. On the other hand, if your financial health is not the best, selling at a lower price to a family member can create an undue financial burden for you.

An Owner-Financed Sale

If you’re trying to help your child get on their feet, the option exists for an owner-financed sale where your child will be making monthly payments to you. This provides the benefit of not having to worry about a lender and avoiding interest rates on top of the payment. While this can be a great feeling as a parent to be able to help your child, it’s important to weigh the decision carefully to determine that your child will not default on the loan and it won’t be tiresome for you to act as the lender.

Keeping It In The Family

For most people, the home they live in has sentimental value, whether they’ve lived there for a few years or it’s been in the family for generations. That’s why it can be a great comfort for many to sell to a family member who will understand the house’s history and the family traditions. If the deal is going to put a strain on relationships, though, it may not be worth the well-being of the family to keep the home among the relatives.

It can be a comfort to sell a home to a family member and secure their well-being, but there can be financial hurdles involved that can have an adverse impact on the relationship. If you’re currently considering selling to a family member, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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Seller’s Remorse: How to Move on From Your Old Home Once You’ve Sold It

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 8th, 2017

Seller's Remorse: How to Move on From Your Old Home Once You've Sold ItThere’s often so much enthusiasm that goes along with buying a home that the idea of leaving the old one behind is left in the dust. But, while you may love both your old home and your new home, it can be difficult to leave what’s old behind. If you’re struggling with adjusting to your new dwelling place, here are some tips for how to make it feel like it’s where you belong.

Purchase A New Piece

In all likelihood, you’ll be moving a lot of your old furniture into your new home, which means it will have all of the likely associations of your old home. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s a good idea to do a bit of a refresh so it can feel truly different. Whether you decide on a new armchair or art piece, the choice is up to you, but make sure it’s something that will compliment your new place and make you happy to be there.

Leave No Box Unpacked

Packing and unpacking can be two of the most unpopular duties associated with moving, but getting to it right off the bat will ensure that you feel comfortable that much more quickly. Instead of leaving a bunch of boxes that you don’t know what to do within the garage or a hall closet, take the time to dig through them all and find a place for your items. The sooner your stuff is comfortable, the sooner you’ll be too!

Give Yourself Some Time

It may not be the most popular advice, but it’s going to take some time to adjust to your new home and that’s OK. Instead of being hard on yourself or regretting your choice, focus on the positive aspects of your home and allow yourself to get used to your new surroundings. It can be easy to forget why you bought your home if you happen to be feeling seller’s remorse, but in time it will be much easier to remember why made the purchase.

It can be difficult to leave an old home behind, but by taking the time to adjust to your new place and sprucing it up with an exciting new piece, you’ll be well on your way to making it your own. If you’re currently in the market for a new home, contact your local real estate professionals for more information.

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Spring Staging Tips: Using Your Lawn and Flower Beds to Boost Your Curb Appeal

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 6th, 2017

Spring Staging Tips: Using Your Lawn and Flower Beds to Boost Your Curb AppealEvery open house involves so much cleanup and de-cluttering that it’s often easy to forget about the first thing your guest will see when they arrive; the exterior! Instead of foregoing the first impression, here are some tips for fixing up your yard and all of its vegetation so you can make a positive impression on potential homebuyers.

Get Out The Pruning Shears

There are few things that will wreck the overall look of your home like an overgrown shrub or an unruly patch of bushes, so instead of letting nature take its course, do some scaling back. While you’ll want to make sure you retain the natural look of the shrubs and bushes in your yard, make sure to focus on any overgrown areas or branches sticking out so your property will look well maintained and respectable.

Mow The Lawn

It may seem like common sense to get out the lawnmower and the edger for some basic lawn maintenance, but since it’s a rather sizeable task it can catch many people off guard. There’s no way around it so make sure you pick a good time weather-wise to cut the grass right before your open house. You’ll also want to edge around your sidewalks and driveway for a picture-perfect look that will enhance the impression your home makes.

Plant Some Perennials

A tidy yard and pruned trees will certainly improve the look of your home on the outside, but picking out a few flowers and cleaning up your flower beds can make it look even more inviting. While gardening can take up more than a little time, planting a few flowers or purchasing a few pots can go a long way towards adding that extra touch.

Keep It Clutter Free

Like anything to do with an open house, it’s all well and good to have a bunch of great design features and details, but if there’s clutter, potential buyers won’t see anything! If you’ll be putting your home up for sale soon, ensure your yard is as clean as it can be with gardening tools placed in the shed and any toys packed away for later use.

It takes a lot to prepare your home for an open house, but ensure you don’t forget about your yard because it’s one of the first things your visitors will see! If you’re getting prepared to put your home on the market, contact your real estate professionals for more information.

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To Paint or Not to Paint Before Selling Your Home, That Is the Question. Here Are Some Answers!

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 2nd, 2017

To Paint or Not to Paint Before Selling Your Home, That Is the Question. Here Are Some Answers!If you’re planning some renovations before you sell your home, you’re probably trying to determine what will boost its value best so you can get out the money you’re putting in. Pulling out the paint for some touch-ups may be one of the most common things you’ll hear about, but before taking on such a sizeable job, it’s worth considering the needs of your home and what you’ll have the ability to do before it goes on the market.

The State Of Your Paint

To brighten a room and instantly improve the look of a space, there few things that will do the trick like paint. Often times, a poor paint job will be one of the first things potential buyers notice when they visit your home, whether the color is dull or there are cracks showing. If your home’s paint job is neither impressive nor out-of-date, you may not want to take on such a big project. However, if these issues will negatively impact your home sale, it may be worth the effort.

What Is Your Timeline?

There are a number of easy home fix-ups that can improve your home, but painting is one of few things that can take a lot of time. It’s unlikely you’ll want to shell out for a professional painter if you’ve already decided on a renovations budget, but if you don’t have the time you may want to decide on a few problematic areas to paint. If the bathroom or the kitchen happens to look weathered, focus on those areas instead of taking on the whole house.

What Buyers Will Change

When potential homebuyers are looking at your home, they’ll not only be thinking about what they love, they’ll be considering what they want to upgrade down the road. Unfortunately, painting is not one of the projects that buyers will want to spend time on as soon as they move in. While it may not be worth their time to move into a house that needs to be painted right away, it just might be worth yours to get out the roller.

There are a number of home renovations that can improve your home’s value, but painting may be a necessity if your walls are dull and showing signs of age. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.

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4 Dated Design Features to Get Rid of Before Listing Your Home for Sale

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 26th, 2017

4 Dated Design Features to Get Rid of Before Listing Your Home for SaleMost homeowners get used to a certain aesthetic in their own home that they’re comfortable with, but if you’re putting your home on the market it may be time to get rid of some of the old familiarities. While it won’t be worth your time or money to renovate everything, here are a few design-style duds that you may want to update before you decide to sell.

Oversized Bathtubs or Jacuzzis

It may be very appealing for most people to find an oversized tub in their hotel room, but when it comes to the home you live in, big tubs have made their exit. While a tub can certainly allow a person to stretch out in comfort, gone are the days of big homes and large bathrooms. Instead of a sizeable tub, you’ll want a bathroom space that you can maximize.

Tiled Counter Tops

The concept of kitchen tiles may look great in a magazine, but when it comes to the real deal tile can be a huge drawback. Despite your best efforts, it’s quite likely the grout will need to be replaced and will provide an unclean appearance over time. Instead of leaving the tile behind, you may want to stick with a solid surface like marble so there will be no issues with cleanliness or damage.

Too Bright Colors

An accent wall or brightly hued design feature may have made a comeback in recent years, but the popularity of colorful pieces has died away in recent years. Instead of the kind of feature that will turn off potential homebuyers, opt for neutral tones so that homebuyers can imagine themselves in your place without the necessity for renovations.

Bulky Furniture Pieces

Much like the oversized tub in the bathroom, the boxy piece of furniture in your living room may be comfortable, but it’s not the best when it comes to selling your home. Instead of having a huge piece of furniture command the attention of your entire room, choose smaller pieces that will offer comfort but still provide a positive impression to potential buyers.

Design trends can change a lot over the years, but by being aware of how styles are evolving you can be on the cutting edge of selling your home in style. If you’re currently making some small renovations and are preparing to sell your home, contact your trusted real estate professional for more information.

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