3 Trends That Will Help Shape Your Local Real Estate Market in 2015

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on July 21st, 2015

3 Trends That Will Help Shape Your Local Real Estate Market in 2015Each real estate market is unique in various ways, and your local real estate agent can help you to become more familiar with the trends in your community. For example, in some areas, it may be common for a seller to pay for at least a portion of the buyer’s closing costs, but this may not be common practice in other areas. While each market may be unique, there are some common trends that you can expect to be rather widespread across many communities throughout the rest of the year.

Buyers Acting Quickly To Make An Offer

In recent years, it was rather common for buyers to take their time researching the market and comparing various listings. There was a feeling that financing would continue to be affordable and that home prices would remain relatively low in many markets due to economic conditions. However, the economy has generally rebounded and market conditions in many areas have improved. There is an increasing feel of urgency in buyers to make a purchase sooner rather than later in order to lock in a great deal.

Younger Buyers Making a First-Time Home Purchase

Many younger adults have notably been sitting on the sidelines and have not been buying real estate at the same level that previous generations did in their 20s and younger 30s. However, as overall real estate market conditions have improved as well as other economic factors like the employment rate, consumer confidence and more, younger buyers are increasingly finding the confidence to move forward with their first home purchase.

More Realistic List Prices

In recent years, it was common for some sellers to list their home for sale based on the amount they owed on their mortgage or their general belief in property value without giving much consideration for market conditions. This may have been out of financial need, a general belief that their property value did not decline significantly even when markets plummeted and more. However, because market conditions have dramatically improved, you will find that the list prices on many properties are much more realistic.

Real estate agents keep a pulse on the trends in your local market, and their insight and guidance can be invaluable to you as you search for a property, structure an offer and walk through the rest of the home buying process. If you are preparing to purchase a home in the coming year, you can begin looking for a friendly and helpful real estate agent to assist you.

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Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal and Get a Quick Sale with These 3 Tips

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on July 10th, 2015

Summer's Coming! Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal and Get a Quick Sale with These 3 Tips Curb appeal is important in the home sales process, and this is because it will impact the overall first impression that potential home buyers have about the property. Some homeowners can easily spend a small fortune and a considerable amount of time improving curb appeal, but others may be looking for faster and easier results. The good news is that boosting curb appeal is easy and affordable to do when these three tips are followed.s

Spruce Up The Front Door

The front door and patio area are focal points for those driving by the home, and this area receives even more scrutiny by those home buyers who walk up to the home to take a tour of the interior. Re-staining or re-painting the front door can be highly beneficial to dressing up the look of this focal area, and this can give the impression that the home is well-maintained and stylish. In addition, consider replacing the front door mat and hardware on the door for improved results and added aesthetic appeal.

Power Wash The Exterior Of The Home

Beautification efforts for the front of the home would not be complete without spending time cleaning up the space, and one of the best ways to clean the exterior of a property thoroughly is by power washing it. Power washing the exterior may include cleaning the exterior siding material of the home, the patio, the driveway, the sidewalk and even the fencing. This can give the entire area a fresher and more appealing look.

Add Color To The Flower Beds

Some homeowners may not have funds or time available to fully revamp the landscaping, but showing the flower beds some attention can pay off. After weeding the flower beds, add some fresh, brightly colored blooms to the area to dress up curb appeal. Homeowners can finish off the look by spreading a new layer of mulch across the flower beds after the flowers have been planted.

Curb appeal is vital to selling a home quickly and for top dollar. Enhancing curb appeal can cost a small fortune and could take weeks to do, but even these small and affordable efforts can give homeowners great results with minimal time and money required. Homeowners who are thinking about selling their property soon can contact a real estate professional for personal assistance with their staging and home improvement efforts.

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Let’s Talk Hardwood: Why Converting Your Home to Hardwood Flooring Will Boost Its Value

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on July 2nd, 2015

Let's Talk Hardwood: Why Converting Your Home to Hardwood Flooring Will Boost Its ValueWhen a homeowner makes the decision to upgrade flooring in one area of the home or throughout the entire space, there are numerous materials that may be considered. While each material option has its unique benefits and advantages, many are drawn to hardwood flooring as an option. This is a material that has the potential to boost home value, and a closer look at its benefits will reveal why this is the case.

A Durable, Long-Lasting Material

With many flooring options, homeowners understand that the material will need to be replaced or upgraded over the years. With hardwood flooring, the timeless appeal and incredible durability of the material means that the floor may be an investment to enjoy for many long decades. In fact, with periodic maintenance and regular care of hardwood floors, some hardwood floors may provide the homeowner with 50 years or more of beautiful use in the home.

Numerous Stylish Options

More than that, there are numerous style options for homeowners to consider, and this provides the ability to easily select a material that is ideal for the look of the home. In addition, hardwood floor generally has universal appeal that many desire, and this increases the desirability of the home to future home buyers. This is especially true when a more classic tone of wood is selected rather than a modern or trendy tone.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Some flooring materials, such as carpet, may have a detrimental impact on indoor air quality, but this is not the case with hardwood flooring. The material is easy to clean, and this means that dust, dander and other allergens can easily be removed from the floor. This will have a direct and beneficial impact on indoor air quality that current owners as well as future home buyers can enjoy.

While hardwood flooring can be desirable and beneficial for current property owners, the appeal of the material will extend to future home buyers. When hardwood flooring is well-maintained by the owner, it is a true investment that will add true value to the home and that may help the owner to sell the property more quickly when the time comes. Those who want to learn more about how hardwood flooring may impact their own home value and the ability to sell their property in the future can request a consultation with a real estate professional.

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Showing Your Home to Buyers? Don’t Make These 4 Mistakes – They Could Cost You Dearly!

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 30th, 2015

Showing Your Home to Buyers? Don't Make These 4 Mistakes - They Could Cost You Dearly! There are numerous steps that must be taken to properly stage a home, and some sellers can easily become overwhelmed by all of the tips and steps they have been told to follow. It may be acceptable to skip over some of the steps to save time or money when staging a home, but there are some mistakes that homeowners can make that can have negative results.

Leaving Personal Hygiene Items Out

A common staging tip relates to storing all personal items out of site, and the reason for this is so that home buyers can see themselves living in the home as opposed to feeling as though they are in someone else’s home. However, some homeowners will leave personal hygiene items out, such as a razor, shampoo, a toothbrush and other items. These are highly personal items that can easily make a home buyer feel uncomfortable walking through the home.

Allowing Controversial Items To Be Seen

In addition, some homeowners will leave controversial items out, and these can distract a buyer, annoy them or even infuriate them if the items are controversial enough. Home buyers should feel welcome in a home and should leave without any negative feelings. Everything from posters to refrigerator magnets that may be even slightly tainted with controversy should be removed.

Leaving Valuable Items In Plain Sight

For homeowners who have some valuable possessions, it may be best to store these away or even to remove them entirely from the home. Keep in mind that buyers will be negotiating with sellers at least once and often several times during the process, and the last thing a seller wants is for the buyer to have the impression that the seller can afford to make concessions and to negotiate more freely.

Keeping Closets And Cabinets Cluttered

Closets and cabinets are common storage areas that are used to hide much of the clutter that most people keep on dressers, counters and shelves when staging a home, but storing items in these areas can backfire. Buyers will open closets and cabinets to inspect storage space, and a home can appear to be lacking in storage space when these areas are cluttered.

Properly staging a home is an important step to take to prepare a home for sale. A trusted real estate agent can provide a homeowner with additional staging tips customized to his or her home. Consider setting up a consultation with your real estate professional to discuss staging ideas before listing a home on the market.

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Niche Marketing: How to Market Your Home as the Perfect Rental or Investment Property

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 11th, 2015

Niche Marketing: How to Market Your Home as the Perfect Rental or Investment Property When a homeowner is preparing to sell a home, it can be beneficial to determine the target audience that is most likely to be interested in the property as an important initial step. In some cases, it is advantageous for a homeowner to position a home as a great rental property or investment property, but this requires the right strategy. By adopting a few niche marketing steps, homeowners can work with their trusted real estate agent to market a property appropriately.

Create A Cash Flow Sheet

Buyers who are searching for a rental or investment property are looking for a return on their investment in most cases, and they also may want to see how large of a down payment is needed in order for the property to realistically turn a profit. A real estate agent can work with a property owner to create a cash flow sheet that details all of this information for a buyer.

Show Comparable Rental Properties

A real estate agent can also research comparable rental data to help a property owner determine what a realistic rental rate may be. Property buyers want to know that the information provided to them in the cash flow sheet is realistic, and comparable rental data can give buyers the details they are looking for. More than that, this information may also show the average number of days similar properties stay on the market for rent and how many similar properties are available for rent in the vicinity.

Appeal To Agents Specializing In Real Estate Investments

Some real estate agents specialize in assisting investor clients, and some have standing clients that they actively seek great properties for. A skilled real estate agent may announce the listing to these agents so that they can bring the property to the attention of their clients. This focused marketing effort can yield considerable returns, but the real estate agent generally must take the initiative to contact these agents.

Some properties may be marketed as family homes or vacation homes, but others are well-suited for being rental or investment properties. Homeowners who are preparing to sell their home can work with a real estate agent to learn more about who their target audience is and how to market specifically for them. Those who are interested in learning more about how to sell their home quickly can set up a consultation with their trusted real estate professional.

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Selling Your Home? 3 Reasons Why You May Need to Accept a Bid That’s Below Your Asking Price

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 10th, 2015

Selling Your Home? 3 Reasons Why You May Need to Accept a Bid That's Below Your Asking PriceWhen a homeowner makes the decision to sell his or her property, it is most common for a skilled real estate professional to provide valuation services so that a reasonable asking price can be established. While the asking price may seem fair to the homeowner, the fact is that not all properties will sell at the original asking price. There are several instances when a homeowner may need to consider accepting a bid that is below the asking price.

When The Property Has Been On The Market For A While

Most homeowners will learn about the average listing time for similar properties in the market through their trusted real estate agent, but some homes will remain on the market for longer than average. When this happens, a homeowner may begin to get concerned, and the real estate agent may even bring up the idea of reducing the asking price. When an offer is received below asking price in this situation, a homeowner may need to consider the offer.

When There Is A Question About Property Style Or Condition

There are many factors that will play a role in the desirability of a property in the marketplace, and some of these factors relate to the property style and condition. Some similar homes in the local area may be selling more quickly or for a higher price than others due to better overall condition or improved style. If the homeowner has concerns about this or if the real estate agent or others who have toured the property have voiced concerns about style or condition, accepting an offer below asking price may need to be considered.

When The Homeowner Needs To Sell Quickly

Even if property has not been listed on the market for a long period of time or the property style and condition are desirable, the owner may consider accepting the first offer received regardless of the asking price in some cases. For example, a homeowner may need to sell the property quickly due to financial issues, because of a job relocation or to take advantage of other financial opportunities. Unless the offer is unreasonable, the homeowner may consider accepting a lower bid in these situations.

Homeowners often wonder if they should wait for a higher bid or accept the offer that has been presented to them. Each situation is unique, so there is not a catch-all answer to this question. Those who are thinking about selling their home in the near future can contact their trusted real estate professional for further assistance.

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Received an Offer for Your Home? How to Respond with a Counter-offer Asking for a Higher Price

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 28th, 2015

Received an Offer for Your Home? How to Respond with a Counter-offer Asking for a Higher PriceGetting an offer on your house is the first step in getting it sold, but buyers often feel that they have to come in lower than your asking price. After all, everyone wants the deal to work out in their favor. If the offer you received isn’t quite what you hoped, you can always make a counter-offer. Getting the details right can help make your deal go more smoothly.

Deciding On A Price

When your real estate agent helped you set the price of your home, you already had an idea of what it should fetch in the marketplace. If the offer wasn’t far off from your asking price, it’s acceptable to counter with your original asking price. Many buyers could be willing to pay full price. If you feel that technique is a bit brazen for your style, you could instead drop the original price by a few thousand dollars.

Another technique is to try to “meet in the middle”. For example, if there’s a $10,000 difference between the asking price and the offer price, you might offer to drop the price $5,000. Of course, the bigger the difference, the less enthusiastic you’ll be about dropping your price.

Factors To Consider

Keep in mind that the actual selling price of the house isn’t the only thing that will be negotiated. If you’re giving in a little bit, then you should expect to get a bit in return, but the same is true for the buyer. For example, a first-time homebuyer might not have a lot of money for a down payment. If you counter with an offer that’s too high, they might respond with another offer accepting the price, but asking for seller’s concessions at closing time.

Additionally, as you start to come down in price, you might consider taking out items that you might have included in the original offer, such as high-end appliances.

Don’t Forget The Fine Details

Discuss the details of what you want with your real estate agent. They’ll be able to let you know if you’re making the right move, considering the current market in your area. They may also have information about the buyers, such as an educated guess about how high they’re willing to go. Your agent will also have all the paperwork you need readily available. In most cases, all you have to do is fill in the blanks in a few spaces.

You want the highest price for your home, but getting the best deal is often a delicate dance. Know your limits and work together with the buyers to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

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You Ask, We Answer: How Does the Escrow Process Work when Buying a Home?

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 12th, 2015

You Ask, We Answer: How Does the Escrow Process Work when Buying a Home? When you purchase a new home, escrow is a word that you will hear numerous times from different parties. There are several types of escrow accounts that will be established, and you may be wondering where your money will go when placed in an escrow account or how it is applied to your transaction. By taking time to learn more about the escrow process, you can be a more informed buyer.

Your Initial Escrow Deposit

Within a short period of time after your offer is accepted by the buyer, you will be required to make an escrow deposit to the title company. Typically, you will write a check for the escrow deposit, and your title agent will hold the funds in a non-interest bearing account. These are funds that will be applied to your down payment at closing, and they serve as a good faith of your interest to proceed to the seller.

In the event you back out of the contract after the option period has passed, the escrow deposit may be handed over to the seller and would not be refunded to you.

Escrows for Taxes and Insurance

In addition to this type of escrow deposit, you may also hear about an escrow account for your property taxes and insurance. Setting up this type of escrow account may be a requirement by your lender, but it is not always required. Essentially, this is the account that your property taxes and homeowners insurance will be paid out of. You will pay a specified amount of money into the escrow account to establish a balance at closing, and a portion of your monthly payments will be applied to taxes and insurance as well.

The amount of money that is required at closing will be dependent on the month that you close as well as the annual costs for taxes and insurance.

Essentially, escrow accounts are established to pay for specified expenses that you are required to pay for as a buyer. The initial escrow deposit for the sales contract is a short-term type of escrow account, and the property tax and insurance escrow will remain intact until your mortgage is paid off in most cases.

Now that you know more about the escrows that you will be required to contribute money to as a buyer, you will be a more informed buyer when making your real estate purchase.

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Selling a Large Family Home? How to Stage Your Home to Appeal to Family Buyers

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 1st, 2015

Selling a Large Family Home? How to Stage Your Home to Appeal to Family BuyersSelling a large house requires showing buyers its potential as a place where they can raise their families, enjoy space to grow, and make it their own. Preparing a large house can be a big task. There are more rooms to clear out, more square footage to get in tip-top shape, and more accumulated belongings to sort through. However, a large house also has strong points that appeal to buyers looking for a spacious home.

Clear the Clutter

Take a look at whether the house feels spacious or crammed with years of debris. Big houses have so much space that many families store more and more things. Therefore, sellers should throw out what they don’t need or want, consider putting old treasures in temporary storage, and leave closets and cabinets with plenty of empty space so buyers can envision their own belongings there.

Define Family Spaces

When children leave the nest, some couples turn bedrooms into storage space, work areas or other rooms. To sell the home, they should consider restoring bedrooms to that use. If the house is advertised as a four- or five- or even six-bedroom house, put a bed and a dresser in that many rooms. Make the large living area look like a family room by removing anything else. If there is a garage for two or more cars, remove other items.

Update Key Rooms And Spaces

Consider updating key rooms to appeal to young families. A Realtor® can give advice on whether the kitchen, bathrooms or living areas are outdated by today’s standards and whether renovation would increase the sale price.

Make Any Necessary Repairs

Families used to living with a sticky window or tarnished faucet should go through each room and make basic repairs. A fresh coat of paint is one of the least expensive ways to instantly freshen up any room.

Improve Curb Appeal

Many buyers won’t even walk in the door if they don’t like what they see when they drive by. Remove overgrown shrubs. Get rid of weeds. Add flowers. Fix the mailbox and check the condition of the front door.

Following these steps will show off the best attributes of a big house and help buyers envision it as a place for their own families. Call your real estate agent today for an assessment of how to prepare your home for today’s family buyers.

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Staging Tips: Let’s Talk Landscaping and How to Prepare Your Yard for the Spring Bloom

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 24th, 2015

Staging Tips: Let's Talk Landscaping and How to Prepare Your Yard for the Spring BloomWhen you are preparing to list your home for sale, you may take various steps to stage the interior so that it is appealing to a potential buyer. In addition to various steps you may take with staging the interior, you want to pay attention to your yard as well. During the spring months, many yards look fresh and vibrant, but they also need some extra care in order to boost curb appeal and make a great first impression on buyers.

Focus On Your Flower Beds

Whether you have one small flower bed or several sprawling areas of beds, you should ensure that all of the vegetation looks fresh and tidy. Trim bushes, and add bright spring annuals to brighten up the space. Pull weeds, and add a layer of fresh mulch to your flower beds to give them a finished, well-maintained look.

Keep The Lawn Neat And Tidy

During the spring months, your lawn may revive from its dormant winter state, and you may find it growing rapidly. The green hue of a spring lawn can have a powerful benefit to curb appeal, but you want to keep the lawn trimmed and edged regularly to give it a manicured appearance. This can also minimize the impact of the look of weeds that may occasionally crop up throughout the spring months.

Pay Attention To Your Patio And Entryway

While your vegetation will require some effort to maintain while you list your home, you do not want to overlook your patio and entryway. These are often visible from the street, and they will be viewed up-close when buyers tour your home. Ensure that the area is clean, and power wash it if necessary. Consider updating front door hardware and the entry mat if they appear worn or dated. You may also need to sweep these areas regularly while your home is listed for sale.

Staging your property can help you to sell your property more quickly and for top dollar, but your staging efforts should not be focused entirely on the interior of your home. Your landscaping also requires extra effort when you are getting your home ready to sell, and these tips can all help you to spruce up your landscaping with beautiful results. You may seek more customized information tailored to your property when you speak with a real estate agent about listing your home.

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