5 Easy Ways to Brighten up Your Curb Appeal

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 12th, 2016

5 Easy Ways to Brighten up Your Curb AppealIt can be easy to forget, but the first thing people will see when they come to your home is the outside, so it’s important to have a well-maintained and picturesque property that represents the inside of your home positively. If you’re looking for a few ways to boost your outdoor space, here are a few tips to help with curb appeal.

Plant A Flower Bed

Whether you decide on a tiny plot or a much larger space, a splash of flowers is great for adding a warm, homey atmosphere to your front yard. This can easily be done by going to your local nursery, picking out some easy-to-maintain perennials and watching the blooms begin to appear.

Trim The Hedges

It’s entirely possible that you have a few trees or shrubs in your yard that have gotten a little bit unruly, but a little time with the snippers for some shaping and the look of your yard will be automatically improved! If you have any shrubs or small trees that have seen better days, you may want to remove and replace.

A Fresh Coat Of Paint

It’s quite common to hear how much a layer of paint can improve things but this is especially true when it comes to your front door. While a tired and dull looking door can reflect poorly on the house within, a new coat of paint will add instant shimmer to your exterior.

Keep It Tidy

Whether you have kids who love to play in the yard or you’ve been doing a little lawn maintenance, leaving out toys or shovels and wheelbarrows can really take a lot away from your property’s look. While you may only be planning on keeping these items out for the short term, a quick pick up at the end of each day makes a marked difference.

Make A Stone Pathway

It may not be something you need, but a whimsical walkway with flattened stones can add a nice touch to your property and make it stand out. If you’re feeling ambitious, you may even want to add a bench or a birdbath to make for a unique escape for your family.

There are a lot of simple fixes you can utilize that will instantly boost the look of your home’s exterior. If you’re fixing up the outside of your home in the hopes of putting your property on the market, you may want to contact one of our knowledgeable real estate professionals for more information.

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Four Excellent Reasons You Should Check Your Real Estate Agent’s References and Testimonials

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 8th, 2016

Four Excellent Reasons You Should Check Your Real Estate Agent's References and Testimonials There are different methods that home buyers may use to find a real estate agent to work with. While some may use the services of a real estate agent who they know personally, others may reach out to a professional who they have located online. Regardless of whether you previously knew the individual in a non-professional setting or not, it is important that you check your agent’s reference and testimonials before you get started with the home buying process. There are several good reasons for this.

The Importance Of Accessibility

Whether you are trying to find the perfect property and submit an offer before anyone else or you are actively negotiating with a seller, you need your real estate agent to be accessible to you. Simply because you are friends with the agent or they were friendly to you with the first phone call does not mean that they will continue to be accessible to you until you close on the home. References and testimonials can give you more information about this.

Professional Demeanor Throughout The Process

The right real estate agent is one who remains cool and composed throughout the transaction with all parties. Negotiations can become heated at times, and you want your real estate agent to have a professional demeanor under pressure. References and testimonials can give you first-hand insight about the agent’s demeanor.

Skilled With Negotiations

It is not enough to have a real estate agent represent you in negotiations. You also want the real estate agent to have some skills and a track record for success. You may not get everything you want with negotiations because of the need to compromise, but your real estate agent should be able to structure a deal that works well for you.

An Overall Great Experience

There will inevitably be times of stress and anxiety when you are buying a new property, and it is not reasonable to expect otherwise. However, a real estate agent should be by your side to facilitate the process, to explain concepts and to help you make better decisions from start to finish. When you read reviews and testimonials, pay attention to how satisfied the clients were with the overall process.

There are many factors to consider when selecting the right real estate agent to work with. While you want to have a great interactive dynamic with your real estate agent, you also need to focus on these factors to make the best decision possible. You can begin by contacting an agent today and requesting references from the professional.

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Selling Your Home Soon? 4 Ways to Quickly Boost Your Curb Appeal

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on April 5th, 2016

Selling Your Home This Month? 4 Ways to Quickly Boost Your Curb AppealMost people that have embarked on selling their home know a lot about how to showcase the inside of it, but one of the most important parts of showing a home can be forgotten as a result. Since the outside of your home is the first thing a potential homebuyer will see, here are a few simple ways you can quickly boost its appeal.

Re-Consider The Front Door

If your door is both welcoming and majestic, you may be able to skip this step, but if you have chipped paint or disintegrating steps, it’s definitely going to be worth a minor renovation so you can make a positive impression. It’s just a fact that if the front door isn’t up to snuff, any potential homebuyer is going to have a bad feeling about your house right from the start.

Languish Over Your Lawn

The look of your lawn is going to be noticed right away, so make sure that your grass is weed free and well-manicured. If you happen to have flowerbeds, you ‘ll want to make sure that any dead plants are pulled before seeing any potential buyers. In addition, if any pruning needs to be done, it’s a good idea to complete this before anyone arrives on your front stoop.

Perk Up With Paint

Few things will perk up the look of a surface than a primed paint job, so while it can be a large task to complete, you may see the results in the sale price of your home. While you may want to stick with the color you already have, if you do decide to change it up ensure it’s a color that isn’t so bold it will turn off potential homebuyers.

Clear Away Anything Extra

If you’re going to be showing your home, it’s very important that everything unnecessary on the front law, like children’s toys or an empty wheelbarrow, is stored away. A tidy lawn will leave buyers with the instant impression that your home maintenance is as impeccable as that of your front yard.

There are many great tips for showing a home, but it’s also important to consider how your home will look from the street. Since this will be the first things potential buyers view, it will have an impact on their first impression. If you’re selling your home and are interested in what’s on the market, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.

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Selling Your Half of a Jointly-owned Home? Here’s What You Need to Know

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 24th, 2016

Selling Your Half of a Jointly-owned Home? Here's What You Need to Know

There are many factors to consider when it comes to selling your home, and if you own your home with someone else the details involved can be even more confusing. If you’re wading into your co-ownership options and are curious about your next steps, here’s a short list of some things to think about.

Buyout: Selling Your Half

If you own your home with a friend, family member or former partner who would like to keep the property, the first thing you’ll want to do is contact an appraiser who will provide you with the market value of your home. Once you know this amount, you can discuss it with your co-owner and decide on the amount they can pay you for a buyout. While some co-owners will decide to get a loan and pay a lump sum, they may also want to schedule monthly payments until the buyout amount is completely paid off.

Partition Sale: Leave It To Legal

In the event that both you and the co-owner of your home would like to get rid of your property without any fuss, you have the option of a partition sale which means that the court will take care of your property sale for you. Once this occurs and any fees are paid, the total purchase price that is made from the home will be divided between the co-owners and the property will no longer be an issue for either party. If one owner has invested more into the home, it’s possible that one party may benefit more than the other.

Voluntary Sale: Coming To An Agreement

There are many situations involving property and personal possessions where the fence cannot be mended, but in the event that you want to sell your portion of a property it is in your best interest to sell together. While a partition sale provides the opportunity to get the property off the co-owner’s hands quickly, there’s a good chance that some of the money earned will be caught up in legal fees. If you’re able to come to an understanding, you may both reap a larger sum.

Whether you’re moving on to the next chapter of your life or experiencing a settlement, there are many available options for selling a home that is co-owned. If you’re considering putting your co-owned home on the market, please contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.

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5 Photo Shoot Tips for Amazing Listing Photos

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 23rd, 2016

5 Photo Shoot Tips for Amazing Listing Photos

Pick The Right Light

It won’t even be worth your while to pick up the camera if the lighting is off, so make sure you capture your home in the middle of the day when natural light is at its peak. Instead of morning or night, when spaces can appear dim, turn on the lights during the day, let the sunlight flow in and shoot away!

Keep It Clutter Free

While it’s common sense to clean up your home before committing anything to photography, it’s also important to be aware of any items that may catch the eye of the viewer and deflect interest away from your property. While there may be certain things you’re used to, if they stand out in the picture it might be better to move them outside of the frame.

Don’t Forget The Details

It’s easy to be focused on the exterior and room shots, but a few minor details here and there can give the viewer a better feel for your home, and may enable them to remember it. If you have striking kitchen tiles or a claw foot tub, don’t forget to add up-close images of these to your listing.

Capture The Exterior

The rooms and amenities of your house are definitely going to be what piques the buyer’s interest, but don’t forget about the exterior in all the shuffle. The outside of your home is the first thing that potential buyers will see, so catch it during the last hour of sunlight for maximum effect.

Hire A Professional

It’s entirely possible that you’re so busy looking for homes and getting organized that taking pictures is just another task to add to the list. Instead of taking on the photography yourself, you may want to contact a professional to do it for you who will know all the tricks of the trade.

The best impression your house will make should be in person, but it’s important to have great listing photos so you can draw potential buyers in. If you’re getting ready to put your home on the market, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for more information.

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3 Psychological Hacks That Will Help You Sell Your Home Faster

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 15th, 2016

3 Psychological Hacks That Will Help You Sell Your Home FasterFrom real estate agents to home buyers, there are so many tips out there on how to sell your home that it can be overwhelming to determine which tricks will boost your success rate and make the sale. If you’re looking for a few sure-fire hacks for getting your home off the market quickly, the following may do a lot of the hard work for you so that selling won’t remain a worry for long.

Stick To A Neutral Palette

Neutral colors like white and grey may seem like a boring approach to design, but they’re actually a great way to grab a potential buyer’s attention. While an especially bold color like red or dark blue can distract the viewer, neutral tones will not jar the eye and will enable the viewer to see the features that your home truly offers. Instead of a space they can’t see for the color, they’ll be able to pay attention to the details that really matter.

Discard The Oversized Items

Most of us have an old, bulky piece of furniture that we still haven’t bothered to get rid of, but when preparing your home for viewings you may want to finally let go of this ostentatious piece. A bulky furniture item will make an undersized space look even smaller, whereas – in a large, sprawling space – it will swallow the size of the room. Instead of a large-scale item, stick to classy, medium-sized pieces that will effectively complement each other.

Keep Personal Items To A Minimum

It may seem like personalizing your home, from pictures all over the fridge to movie posters, will add to its appeal, but it can actually take away from the impression that potential buyers will get. While a home that has a few personal touches here and there can make it more memorable, too many of these little details may actually make the viewer feel out of place. Since the end goal is an offer on your home, enabling potential buyers to imagine themselves in your space is key.

There are an endless amount of tricks involved in a successful home sale, but there are a few little hacks you can do that may work wonders on the minds of potential buyers. If you’re almost ready to put your home on the market and are considering your options for selling, please feel free to contact us for more information.

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Thinking About Selling in 2016? 3 Reasons You’ll Absolutely Need a Great Real Estate Agent

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 3rd, 2016

Thinking About Selling in 2016? 3 Reasons You'll Absolutely Need a Great Real Estate AgentWhether you’re familiar with the market or you’ve never sold a home before, an effective real estate agent can be exactly the thing you need to make for a positive market experience. With the world of real estate in a constant state of flux, here are a few reasons why the right agent can successfully guide you through the muddled waters of the market.

A Skill For Communication

In the case that the real estate market makes you nervous, it’s particularly important to have the kind of agent who will keep you in the loop and give you the information you need to make an informed selling decision. An agent with the powers of communication will be able to give you honest advice when it’s required, like if it’s time to lower the price of your house, so that you can have success in achieving the offer you’re looking for.

A Willingness To Work Hard

There are many agents out there who won’t be willing to put in additional effort for a client, but the kind of agent you’ll want to choose should be someone who is a go-getter and will chase potential business for you. Instead of waiting around, an ideal agent should be following up with potential buyers and ensuring that they’re chasing any leads that may guarantee the purchase of your home. If you have to ask them to be proactive, they’re probably not the right person for the job.

A Bevy Of Client References

A real estate agent that is worth their salt should not hesitate to provide you with client references so you can make an informed, educated decision. Instead of asking for their personal references, though, request the names of their last ten clients as this should give you a pretty good grasp of what their capacities as an agent are, and how they will serve you. If they are cagey about providing references, you’ll want to move on to your next potential agent.

The real estate market is rife with a lot of things to know and it can be complicated to jump into the tides, but the right agent can actually make the process of selling your home a lot less stressful. If you’re currently looking for homes and are not sure where to turn, you may want to contact one of our real estate professionals for more scoop on the market.

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‘Don’t Sit Around Waiting for a Deal’ and Other Great Advice from Successful Home Sellers

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 5th, 2016

'Don't Sit Around Waiting for a Deal' and Other Great Advice from Successful Home SellersThe real estate market and all the things involved in selling a home can seem complicated, and it can be very hard to know which tips to trust. While there’s plenty of great advice to go around from many knowledgeable sources, here are some of the best tips from home sellers who have made a successful sale.

Research Your Local Agents

When considering an agent that will meet your home-selling needs, it can be tempting to go with someone familiar or recommended through a friend who seems like a safe bet. However, it’s important to do your research and find an agent who has a number of “Sold” homes under their belt. Create a list of agents you’re impressed by and take note of their sales and agent fees, and keep in mind that you may want to lean towards an agent who has expertise in your neighborhood.

Get A Second Opinion On Price

Before you have an agent appraise the value of your home, it’s worthwhile doing some research on your end to determine the approximate value of your property. Once you’ve arrived at a figure, bring in the agents you’ve selected to appraise the value of your property. If one price is significantly higher than the other, it may be a red flag that an agent is trying to win over your business, regardless of whether the sale price is reasonable. In this case, you will want to choose the agent that provides the most appropriate appraisal.

Be House Ready At All Times

Having potential buyers view your home will certainly make the idea of selling it real, so make sure that it is ready for viewing at any time. If a potential buyer cannot view your property or has to work around your schedule constantly to arrange viewings, there’s a pretty good chance that you may lose out on some good home offers. Instead of missing out, provide a set of keys to your real estate agent so they can show people around your home when you’re not around. This should automatically increase the likelihood of an offer on your home.

Heading into the real estate market can be a matter of trepidation if you’re not sure what to do, but by researching your agents and being prepared you’ll increase your chances of success. If you’re almost ready to put your home on the market, you may want to contact one of our local real estate professionals for more information.

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Thinking About Selling in the Spring? You Should Be Renovating Now. Here’s Why

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 4th, 2016

Thinking About Selling in the Spring? You Should Be Renovating Now. Here's WhyThe cooler months of winter might seem like the perfect time to hibernate into the house, but it’s actually a great time to consider ramping up your home for improvements. If you’re thinking of selling come the spring, here’s why winter is the perfect time to get started on home renovations.

Flexible Scheduling And Availability

Many people are not interested in renovating their home during the winter months, so it can actually be an ideal time of year to make plans with a contractor to do some work. Since many renovations that occur on the outside of the home are likely to take place during spring or summer, it can be easier to schedule renovations for your home’s interior when it’s colder.

Pre-Planning Your Project

Since contractors can have more free time in the winter months, it’s a good time to contact them to discuss, decide and plan exactly what needs to be done in your home. With the workload of many contractors ramping up in the springtime, there’s a good chance their meeting schedule may be congested and the planning and renovation implementation will take much longer.

Get Ahead of Higher Prices

With the holiday season in swing, there are many sales on common home items from appliances to windows and cabinets. Since manufacturers will be trying to get excess stock off the floor before year’s end, it can be a great time to purchase products for instant money savings. With the new stock filling the stores in spring, there will be a higher premium to pay for all of the newly marketed products.

A Good Time For The Market

Spring is one of the most popular times of year to put a home on the market. With so many people considering a home purchase among their yearly plans, the milder season is an ideal time to get out and go house shopping. In order to have your home ready to show for the spring, you’ll need to have the renovations complete so your house will be market ready when the potential buyers are out.

If you’re readying your house for the springtime real estate market, it’s a good idea to get started on renovations now so you can save money on materials and schedule ample time with your contractor. If you happen to be considering your options for spring sale, you may want to contact your local real estate agent for more information.

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Staging Tips: How to Make a Small Backyard a Great Selling Feature

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on January 22nd, 2016

Staging Tips: How to Make a Small Backyard a Great Selling FeatureSmall backyards are not the detriment that sellers seem to worry about. By putting in some work, any homeowner should be able to turn the smallest backyard into a selling feature by highlighting its assets.

Here are some surefire ways to change a cramped backyard into a cozy, outdoor paradise:

Invest In Size Appropriate Outdoor Furniture

Too many people with small backyards make the mistake of picking out patio furniture that is meant for a larger space. While this may not matter for the people living in the house, it will make a world of difference to anybody looking to buy.

Large furniture will make the yard look even smaller and cramped by comparison. Patio furniture is made in all shapes and sizes, and picking out smaller pieces to use in the backyard will make the space look larger and help play to its strengths.

Open Spaces Ignite The Imagination

Too many sellers go overboard in the staging process and end up with a result that has the exact opposite effect. While a fire pit or a water feature will add value to the home, in a small backyard these features can be cumbersome if they are all used simultaneously.

Focus on one or two signature areas, a seating area, water feature or barbeque are good examples, and keep the rest of the yard open and clear so that it looks larger and the buyers can imagine what they could do with the space. Many young couples are looking for a home to raise kids in and a clear backyard helps them visualize the space children have to play.

Treat The Backyard The Same As The Front

While curb appeal is important, it’s easy to forget that the same rules should apply to other outdoor areas of a house. Considering a yard is high on the list of criteria buyers look for in a new home, especially those starting a family, the backyard should be given the same treatment as the front yard.

Remove clutter, weed the gardens, trim the trees and put away any toys, tools or grills that are not part of the staging to keep visitors’ eyes drawn to the actual yard and not lingering away to something unsightly that wasn’t cleaned up.

With enough work and imagination, there are ways to make any perceived drawback into a selling point. Any real estate professional will be able to look through your home and help identify trouble areas and how to fix them.

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