What To Consider When Buying A Fixer-Upper

Posted in Homebuyer Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 5th, 2020

What To Consider When Buying A Fixer-UpperIn your imagination it seems like a great idea – you purchase an older run-down property and you have the chance to fix it up and turn it into the home of your dreams.

To Renovate, Or Not To Renovate

However, the renovation project that is simply a quick montage in your imagination will actually take several months or years and thousands of dollars in real life.

The concept of renovating a “fixer-upper” property is exciting, but the reality is a lot of work and investment. How can you make sure that you are making the right choice for you?

One of the main advantages of buying a fixer-upper property is that you will usually be able to get the property for a much cheaper price. But is it worth it for the amount of time and money you will need to invest in the property?

Here Are Some Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself When Making Your Decision:

  • Do you (or your friends and family members) have the skills to be able to perform most of the renovations yourself? If you do the labour yourself, you will be able to save thousands of dollars that you would have spent hiring contractors, which will make the renovation a much more profitable project.
  • Are you comfortable with the idea of living in a construction zone, perhaps for several months or more? There will be dust and noise everywhere and you might have to cope without a kitchen or a shower for a while.
  • Make sure that you have a thorough inspection of the home performed so that you can see whether the home has a sturdy foundation, good wiring and plumbing, etc. If your inspection reveals any structural issues or water damage, you might be in for more than you bargained for. You need to start with a house that has “good bones”.
  • If the home has serious structural, plumbing or wiring problems you should stay away – these repairs are very expensive but “invisible”, so you are unlikely to recoup your costs when you sell the home.
  • Add up the estimated costs for renovating the property along with the cost of the home – does it still work out to be a better deal or would you be better off buying a new property.
  • What is your strategy for financing the renovations? If your only option is putting it on the credit card, you might want to think twice because this is a very high interest option.

Buying a fixer-upper property can be a great investment and can give you the opportunity to transform a run-down old house into the property of your dreams. However, make sure you that you consider the choice carefully before making your decision.

For more information about about buying or selling a fixer-upper or any questions regarding real estate, contact your trusted real estate professional. 

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Important Advice For Locating The Right Neighborhood

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 4th, 2020

Important Advice For Locating The Right NeighborhoodWhen people are thinking about moving, they want to make sure they find the right neighborhood. At the same time, it is not always easy for how many hours to decide where they are going to live. Particularly if they are not familiar with the local community, there are a few important points that everyone should keep in mind. By thinking about these factors ahead of time, potential homeowners are going to place themselves in a position to be successful when they purchase their next home. 

Consider The Importance Of The Schools

Many people who are moving are looking for a bigger house because their family is getting larger. Therefore, one of the most important factors that families need to think about involve the quality of the schools. Schools are going to play a major role in the pricing of the neighborhood. Think about whether the kids are going to go to public school or private school. For families that are going to send their kids to public school, they need to think about the quality of the public schools and what school system the neighborhood is zoned for. 

Think About The Commute To Work

Another important factor that the family should consider is the commute to work. There are many people who are moving in an effort to shorten their commute or because they are getting a new job. Therefore, it is a smart idea to think about the traffic, the time it will take to work, and how challenging the driving route is going to be. This is going to play a major role and where the family is going to end up settling. 

The Access To Amenities

Finally, it is also important to think about access to amenities. This could include parks, shopping, hiking trails, and even access to the airport. Families need to think about what is important to them and prioritize this during the housing search. It is also a great idea to think about any development that might be taking place in the local area that could influence housing prices in the future. All of these factors should be considered when families are considering which neighborhood they would like to move to.


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Is Home Insurance Required When You Buy A House?

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 3rd, 2020

Is Home Insurance Required When You Buy A House?For those who are thinking about buying a house in the near future, they are probably in the process of tabulating up all of their expenses. One of the common expenses is home insurance. Even though home insurance is certainly recommended, is it actually required? There are many situations where it is required. At the same time, even when it is not required, it is still a good idea. When it comes to homeowners’ insurance, there are a few important points to keep in mind. 

Why Home Insurance Is Required By A Lender

For those who are taking out a mortgage to purchase a home, most lenders are going to require home insurance. This is because the lender wants to make sure that they are going to get their money back. Remember that the lender is taking a significant amount of risk as well. They want to make sure that they are going to get repaid for their loan. If something happens to the house and there is no home insurance policy, then they are going to lose a significant amount of money. Therefore, for those who are working with a lender, home insurance is probably going to be required. 

Buying A Home Without A Lender

In some situations, people could be looking at buying a home without the help of a lender. Those who are purchasing a home in cash are not going to have anyone telling them that they need to get home insurance. At the same time, it is still a good idea. For most people, the most valuable investment they own is their house. They want to make sure it is protected. After all, people protect their cars with car insurance. Cars usually cost a fraction of the price of a home. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to go without home insurance.

Get The Right Home Insurance Policy

It is important for people to make sure they get the right home insurance policy. The home insurance policy has to cover situations where a home could be completely destroyed. This includes fires, floods, severe storms, and even situations involving burglary. Compare a few options and make sure to get the right home insurance policy.


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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – November 2, 2020

Posted in Uncategorized by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 2nd, 2020

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week - November 2, 2020Last week’s economic reporting included home price data from Case-Shiller Home Price Indices along with readings on pending home sales, new home sales, and consumer sentiment. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released.

Case-Shiller: August Home Prices Rise at Fastest Pace in Two Years

Home prices rose at a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 5.70 percent in August according to Case-Shiller’s National Home Price Index. U.S. home prices rose by 4.80 percent in July

The Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index showed 5.20 percent year-over-year home price growth in August.

Phoenix, Arizona, held first place in home price growth for the 15th consecutive month. Seattle, Washington followed with 8.50 percent year-over-year growth in home prices. San Diego, California reported 7.60 percent year-over-year growth in home prices.

New and Pending Home Sales Fall in September

New homes sold at a pace of 959,000 sales on a seasonally adjusted annual basis in September.  Analysts expected a sales pace of 1.033 million sales based on August’s pace of 994,000 sales. Sales fell with the end of the peak home-buying season and may have also slowed due to rising COVID-19 cases. Demand for homes has been high as buyers’ shifting priorities were expected to cause more families to relocate to less congested suburbs. Pending home sales fell by 2.20 percent in September according to the National Association of Realtors®. Signed sales contracts were 20.50 percent higher year over year.

Mortgage Rates, Jobless Claims Fall

Freddie Mac reported little change in average mortgage rates last week. Rates for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages rose by one basis point to 2.81 percent. Rates for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 2.32 percent and were one basis point higher than for the prior week. Mortgage rates for 5/1 adjustable rate mortgages also rose by one basis point on average. Discount points averaged 0.70 percent for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, 0.60 percent for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages, and 0.30 percent for 5/1 adjustable rate mortgages.

Initial jobless claims fell last week to 751,000 new claims filed. Analysts expected 770,000 new claims filed based on the prior week’s reading of  791,000 new claims filed. Ongoing jobless claims also fell last week with 7.76 million ongoing claims filed as compared to the prior week’s reading of 8.47 million continuing jobless claims filed.

The University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index rose to an index reading of 81.8 in October as compared to September’s reading of 80.4 and an expected index reading of 81.2.

What’s Ahead

This week’s scheduled economic reports include a statement and press conference by the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee. Construction spending data and labor sector readings on public and private sector jobs and the national unemployment rate will also be released along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims.

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What’s Your Home’s Real Value?

Posted in Home Seller Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 30th, 2020

What's Your Home's Real Value?As a society, it seems like we’ve gotten away from appreciating our homes for their emotional and sentimental worth. Instead, we focus solely on their monetary value. 

An Appraiser Can Estimate A Home’s Monetary Value, But To Gain A True Concept Of Your Home’s Worth, You Must Also Take Into Consideration:

  1. Pride Of Ownership. You don’t buy a pair of Prada shoes because you’re going to be able to resell them and make a profit. You buy them because they make you look good and feel good.
  2. Security And Stability.Your home provides a roof over your head that’s in your control. You can decorate it how you want. You don’t have to worry about a landlord selling the property or asking you to move out. In the “olden days” (or should I say “golden days”), we called our homes our castles because, as owners, we felt like the kings and queens of our homes. You can still feel that way! Claim your castle and crown yourself king or queen today.
  3. A Safe Haven.After a tough day at work or a day of disappointments, where’s the first place you think of going?  Home! As Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.”
  4. A Place To Make Memories.  Your son’s tree house and daughter’s playhouse. The markings on the wall that tracked your children’s growth. The porch swing where you start and end every anniversary celebration.    
  5. A Neighborhood Full Of Friends. In the event of an emergency, your neighbors are your first line of defense. They’re also the simplest, best and least expensive form of security. Additionally, they may have the exact tool you need for a project; the extra pair of hands you need to complete a project or children to become playmates with yours. Neighbors also give you that much needed in-person, up-close social network.

Even if your home’s economic value has dropped, you continue to benefit from its emotional values of community, stability, security and success.

Thinking of buying a home? I can help you evaluate the emotional and monetary worth of homes and find a home that fits your values and lifestyle. Give your trusted real estate professional a call today.

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The Top House Appraisal Tips For Home Buyers And Sellers

Posted in Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 29th, 2020

There are a lot of steps that come with buying or selling a home. One of the routine steps that have to be accomplished is called a home appraisal. When it comes to a home appraisal, this is something that can cause both buyers and sellers to pause for a second. For those who might not know, a house appraisal is where a trained professional will take a look at the fair market value of the home. It is important to understand what happens when a home appraisal is conducted. 

Compare The Home To Similar Properties

When a home appraisal is conducted, its value is usually compared to homes in the area that are similar. The value of a home is always determined by what similar homes in the area have sold for recently. This is what the lender is going to look for. For example, if someone is selling a condo, and the value of that condo is going to be compared to other condos in the building that have sold recently. Even though there might not be identical houses in the area, the same process is going to happen for free-standing homes. 

Make Improvements To The Home

For those who are going to be selling their home in the near future, one of the easiest ways to drive up the value of the home is to make improvements. If the countertops, floors, or cabinets have not been updated recently, then performing these updates can drive up the value of a home. In some cases, homeowners might be able to get a bigger increase in the value of their home than the amount of money they spent on the improvements. 

Get A Second Appraisal

In some cases, home buyers might not like the appraisal that came in on the home. In this case, they might be able to challenge this first appraisal by getting a second appraisal. Even though this might cost a bit of money, if the home comes back at a significantly reduced cost, then there might be opportunities for the buyer to renegotiate the price of the home. Everyone wants to make sure they are getting a fair deal when a home changes hands.


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Case-Shiller Reports Fastest Home Price Growth in Two Years

Posted in Uncategorized by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 28th, 2020

Case-Shiller Reports Fastest Home Price Growth in Two YearsHome prices rose at their fastest rate in two years according to Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. The National Home Price Index for August showed 5.70 percent home price growth year-over-year as compared to 4.80 percent growth reported in July.

The Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index showed that home prices rose to a 5.70 percent year-over-year pace from July’s growth rate of 4.10 percent. Phoenix, Arizona held the top home price growth rate for the 15th consecutive month with year-over-year home price growth of 9.90 percent. Seattle, Washington held second place with 8.50 percent growth in home prices. San Diego, California took third place with 7.60 percent year-over-year home price growth.

According to the 20-City Home Price Index, 19 of 20 cities reported growth in home prices. Detroit, MI has not reported home price information in recent months. Analysts said that low mortgage rates, short supplies of available homes, and changing consumer preferences drove home prices higher. The COVID pandemic caused homeowners and buyers to change preferences for home location, square footage, and amenities as working from home, school closures, and avoiding crowded urban areas adjusted family priorities.

Craig Lazzara, global head of index investment strategies for S&P Dow Jones Indices, said “If future reports continue in this vein,[positive index readings], we may be able to conclude that the COVID-related deceleration is far behind us.” It’s also possible that seasonal weather conditions and resurging COVID cases could slow home sales and home price growth.

Federal Housing Finance AgencyReports Highest Home Price Growth Rate Since 2006

August readings reported by FHFA also showed higher home prices. The agency, which oversees mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, reported year-over-year home price growth of 1.50 percent from July to August; home prices for homes mortgaged or owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rose by eight percent annually. 

FHFA home price data is tracked nationally by census divisions, states, and metro areas. Information is also available by county and zip code.

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Junk Drawer Organization Ideas That Will Help You Avoid Stress

Posted in Uncategorized by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 27th, 2020

Junk Drawer Organization Ideas That Will Help You Avoid StressAt home, everyone has something they wish was just a little bit cleaner. For many people, this is the junk drawer. The kitchen drawer is crammed with who knows what simply has to get better organized.

This could include loose batteries, old cellphones, and even matchbooks from restaurants back when that was still a thing! The good news is that there are ways to clean up this junk drawer and turn all of that chaos around!

Rename The Junk Drawer

First, it is important to rename the junk drawer. If the junk drawer is called a junk drawer, then it is going to take on the personality of a junk drawer. Instead, call it something else. If the drawer has a name, then it isn’t going to get so disorganized. This will also help people remember what is supposed to go in the drawer.

Start With A Fresh Drawer

Yes, this means that the drawer has to get dumped out. Take everything that is in there, throw it on the floor (or the countertop) and see what is in the drawer. Then, figure out what has to be thrown away. This will help reduce the pile right off the bat. After this, see if there is anything in the drawer that can be placed somewhere else. Finally, all that should be left is what belongs in the drawer.

Make The Junk Drawer Pretty With Organizers And Nice Decor

Finally, think about ways to make the junk drawer appear more attractive! This could involve smooth little containers, dividers, or something else entirely! Think about using tools that can help divide the drawer into smaller compartments. This could help everyone keep the items organized. Once this is done, the drawer should have an entirely new appearance that will make the items easier to track.

Reorganize The Junk Drawer Following These Tips

These are a few of the top tips that everyone can follow to make their junk drawer just a little bit more organized. By putting these tips to use, everyone can find a way to make their house a bit cleaner. This can lead to a much less stressful living experience for everyone at home.

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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – October 26, 2020

Posted in Financial Fraud by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 26th, 2020

What's Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week - October 26, 2020Last week’s economic reporting included readings from the National Association of Home Builders on housing markets, and Commerce Department readings on housing starts and building permits issued. Data on sales of previously-owned homes were also released. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released.

NAHB Housing Market Index Rises in October

The National Association of Home Builders reported an index reading of 85 for their Housing Market Index in October. This was the third consecutive month the HMI had a record reading and was the second consecutive month the index achieved readings over 80. Readings over 50 indicate that most home builders are confident about housing market conditions.

Component readings of the Housing Market Index also rose in October. Builder confidence in current housing market conditions rose two points to 90. Builder confidence in housing market conditions over the next six months rose three points to an index reading of 88, and builder confidence in buyer traffic in single-family housing developments was unchanged at an index reading of 74. Until recently, buyer traffic readings typically remained below 50.

Regional confidence readings were mixed; builder confidence in the Northeast rose by seven points to an index reading of 88. Builder confidence also rose by seven points in the West but was one point lower in the Midwest with a reading of 77. Builder confidence was two points lower in the South with an index reading of 83.

Commerce Department Reports Increases in Housing Starts and Building Permits

Housing starts and building permits issued rose in September; housing starts rose to a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 1.415 million starts. Analysts expected a reading of 1.45 million housing starts based on August’s reading of 1.388 million new single-family homes started.

Building permits issued also rose in September with 1.553 million permits issued on a seasonally-adjusted annual basis and exceeded August’s reading of 1.476 million permits issued and 1.518 million permits expected.

Mortgage Rates, Jobless Claims Fall

Freddie Mac reported lower average mortgage rates last week as the rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell by two basis point s to 2.80 percent; mortgage rates for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 2.33 percent and were two basis points lower. The average rate for 5/1 adjustable rate mortgages fell by three basis points to 2.87 percent. Discount points averaged 0.60 percent for fixed-rate mortgages and 0.30 percent for 5/1 adjustable rate mortgages.

Initial jobless claims fell to 787,000 new claims filed as compared to the prior week’s reading of 842,000 new claims filed. Last week’s reading for all initial claims filed fell below 800,000 claims for the first time since the pandemic started. Ongoing jobless claims also fell last week with 8.37 million continuing claims filed as compared to 9.40 million continuing jobless claims filed in the prior week.

Sales of previously-owned homes rose in September at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 6.54 million sales. Analysts expected 6.36 million sales based on August’s reading of 5.98 million sales. Low mortgage rates and demand for homes continued to boost home sales.

What’s Ahead

Readings on new and pending home sales, Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, and consumer sentiment will be released this week. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims will also be published.

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Stay Organized Under The Kitchen Sink

Posted in Around The Home by Michigan Real Estate Expert on October 23rd, 2020

Stay Organized Under The Kitchen SinkKitchen space is a valuable commodity. If you feel stretched for storage space, you could throw away all the flatware your mother-in-law gave you, or you could keep the flatware and learn to use the space you have – more efficiently.

The number one most likely spot to find extra storage space is right under your kitchen sink. Organize your under sink area and it will free up space all over your kitchen.

Clean It Up

The cabinet below the sink has a nasty reputation. It’s home to rusty pipes, water stains, and dead ladybugs. First thing is first – clean it up. If it still looks a little dingy, give it a fresh coat of white paint. That will lighten things up. You can also get a simple cloth mat to lie down. You can find one for less than five bucks.

Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

You can find a home for just about anything under the kitchen sink. It’s a good spot for pots and pans, cleaning supplies, a trash can, or dog food. (Maybe not all of those things together – yuck.)

No matter what you decide to store in this wonderful space, it will be easier to access with the help of a rolling organization shelf.

With one of these bad boys, you won’t have to stick your head in the cabinet to find the right tool. You can find some that are made specifically for this space. Be careful though. They can get a bit pricy.

Get Hooked

The key to saving space is to build vertically. Buy some plastic hooks, and hang things under the kitchen sink. It’s a great way to store things like dishwashing gloves or dishrags. One clever trick is to secure a narrow dowel rod across the opening of the cabinet. Then you can hang any cleaning sprays across the rod. They come with a built in hook – the spray trigger.

Top Shelf Storage

You can buy amazing under-sink shelving at home store. Many of them snap easily together like Legos, and you can build them around your sink’s pipes. If you fill the cabinet with shelving, then you’re more likely to keep things organized.

If you’re like me, then after a couple of weeks, you’ll let your organized cabinet go to pot. With shelves, hopefully you won’t end up just throwing everything underneath the sink.

If you’re feeling short on kitchen space, try reorganizing. It’s a lot cheaper than getting new cabinets, and you’ll be amazed by how much space you already have. The space under the sink is a whole world of storage possibilities. If you have wasted space under the kitchen sink, then use it!

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